Stuffed Toy Wii Game Demoed at Gamescom

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.08.2010 5

Stuffed Toy Wii Game Demoed at Gamescom on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The unique and slightly bizzare cuddly toy Wii project from Zoink Games made its first playable debut at Gamescom last week.

WeeWaa, previously known as WiiWaa, uses a Wii remote stuffed into a cuddly toy creature and is used to control a character likeness on-screen. Make the WeeWaa walk about, surf, throw him to jump and pin him down to hide from enemies.


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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Wii and WiiWaa, Wa made for each other. I would definitely play this with my little nieces. The game has fantastic looking graphics for a game targeted at young children, the developers should be commended for them.

If the gameplay is instantly fun and appealing to young kids and is able to keep their attention, And if it's educational to a decent degree and encourages them to learn via fun gameplay, I think the game could do very well this Christmas, with good solid promotion behind it.

I think hands-on opportunities in toy stores will be very important with something like this.

It's a shame Nintendo haven't made a game like this featuring Yoshi, my nieces go crazy at the very sight of him in Galaxy 2. I bought a big teddy for them when they were little, they had a like for biting and kissing Yoshi's nose.

( Edited 29.08.2010 07:12 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I wonder if I should be ashamed to say that it actually looks fun. At least some parts (the bubbles). There's just something... simple and clean about controlling a game with a stuffed animal. Smilie

I want this game to release ever since I saw the original video for the game a while back. This could be a huuuuuge seller in christmas if they got a publisher ready.

I see the game retailing for $50 since it's the plush and the game and could be the "Tickle me Elmo" of this year.

( Edited 27.08.2010 17:13 by EdEN )

This game is very cute.

I'm tempted to buy it myself. Smilie

That looks a lot better than what I was expecting...

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

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