Atlus Publishing Two Naruto Games for Wii/DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.08.2010 4

Atlus Publishing Two Naruto Games for Wii/DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Naruto Shippuden series is set to continue to shed chakra over the video game world with Atlus to publish games for Wii/DS.

Both Tomy-developed ninja games will be making their way outside Japan this fall.

Image for Atlus Publishing Two Naruto Games for Wii/DS

Naruto: Dragon Blade Chronicles, released in Japan last year, sees your favourite ninjas in the Naruto universe don armour and roam about battling one another and mystical creatures in a more adventure-styled game instead of a traditional fighter. Naruto vs. Sasuke, on the other-hand, revolves around the pair's rivalry, seeing each recruit fellow warriors in various challenges/battles.

Both games are scheduled for release on November 16th 2010 - preorder bonuses include hats and figures.

Box art for Naruto Shippuden: Dragon Blade Chronicles

Takara Tomy







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Hmph. I'd rather them localize Fate/Extra, but I guess that doesn't matter to the world of localization anymore. D:

Oh well, I guess it's nice that the Naruto fans get more pre-order goodies.

Oh yes, and LOL NATURO.

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

no no no...snowboard kids 3 would be the best think Atlus could do.
However, even if I am not familiar with Naruto's origins at all but if the art sytle is anime, then i can imagine Atlus is a perfect choice for the game's art style.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

Nice to see more adventure style naruto games, fighters are boooooring.

SasukeLOVER-leaf-blower (guest) 27.08.2010#4

Shit awesome! Nintendo has always had Naruto beatemups but finally an adventure game. The fans are treated well!

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