Interview | Combat of Giants: Dragons Bronze Edition (Nintendo DSiWare)

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.08.2010 2

Ubisoft has had continued success with its Combat of Giants series of games on the Nintendo DS system. Following on from this, the company has started offering scaled-down versions for downloadable services, namely the DSiWare platform. Cubed3’s Mike Mason caught up with the Lead Designer on Combat of Giants: Dragons Bronze Edition to see why DSi owners should download this instead of buying the retail iteration.

Image for Interview | Combat of Giants: Dragons Bronze Edition (Nintendo DSiWare)

Cubed3’s Mike Mason: How did it feel to downsize a Giant for DSiWare? How much has Dragons been cut down for the DSiWare Bronze Edition?

Ubisoft’s Wesley Pincombe, Lead Designer on Combat of Giants: Dragons Bronze Edition: The team did not consider the Bronze Edition a downsize of the DS version. We were aware that DSiWare could not contain the same amount data as the DS version. Knowing that, we decided to create new content specifically for DSiWare, rather than simply removing content from the DS version. Hence, we created a new
bronze dragon, 10 new level designs and new abilities specifically for DSiWare.

MM: Where did the combat system come from?

WP: It was a team effort. At the beginning of the project we all had one main goal: to change the turn-based combat system from our predecessor, Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs, to a real-time one. At the same time, [we had to] avoid overly complicating the new combat system for our main target audience (boys, 6 - 10 years old).

During our conception phase, we created many different prototypes, each depicting different combat ideas brought forth by the team. Once a prototype was completed and it was fun to play, we would get others from outside of our project to play test it.

If they had fun playing the prototype, we knew we were going in the right direction. The “not fun” prototypes were redesigned or shelved. So, after multiple prototypes and many, many different iterations, we came to the battle system we presently have in the game.

Image for Interview | Combat of Giants: Dragons Bronze Edition (Nintendo DSiWare)

MM: How large is the world that players explore? Are any elements of it quite open, or is it all fairly stuck to a mission structure?

WP: The world consists of 10 maps; each map is four times larger than those in its predecessor, Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs, plus there is a lot more to do, such as stomping rocks, burning down trees and chasing evil dragons. While the world progression from map to map is linear, the progressions in certain maps are not. For example, the player can complete puzzles or defeat dragons in any order.

Image for Interview | Combat of Giants: Dragons Bronze Edition (Nintendo DSiWare)

MM: Is there any online multiplayer for the battle modes?

WP: There is no online multiplayer, but Dragons does have local multiplayer involving 1-on-1 battles or 2 - 4 player tournaments. These multiplayer modes are available in multi-card or single-card, and you can also fight against people who have the DSiWare or DS versions.

Image for Interview | Combat of Giants: Dragons Bronze Edition (Nintendo DSiWare)

MM: With Dragons being put on DSiWare, is a DSiWare version of Dinosaurs is possible also?

WP: Unfortunately, I cannot comment on that.

MM: How much do you think Bronze Edition makes use of the platform?

WP: While Combat of Giants: Dragons does not utilise any of the DSi’s new features, as a DSiWare title it allows us to distribute our game to a larger market at a lower cost. Plus, if the player really enjoys his experience with the Bronze Edition,
he can purchase the DS version with more dragons, more maps, and more abilities.

MM: Do you think that Combat of Giants might stomp over to Wii or WiiWare at some point?

WP: Unfortunately once again, I cannot comment on that.

Image for Interview | Combat of Giants: Dragons Bronze Edition (Nintendo DSiWare)

MM: What other large beasts have been considered for the series?

WP: Are you saying fighting giant police cars and drum sets is not enough?! Jokes aside, all I can say is whatever you have thought of, we thought of too.

MM: What is the most important thing that the team keep in mind when developing the Combat of Giants games?

WP: Think big, and the bigger the better! Our goal with the Combat of Giants series has been, and will always be, giving the player the sense of controlling a giant beast to battle another giant beast.

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Ooh I haven't even heard about the game at all before this. So gonna get me a copy, kjooot dwagooons yay! Smilie

sheldon (guest) 29.08.2010#2

i was playing combat of giant when i went into a tunnel and it said i was verseing a police car? Smilie well i beat it how did the police car show up

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