New Goldeneye Wii Multiplayer Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.08.2010 7

New Goldeneye Wii Multiplayer Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A lot of what made Goldeneye 007 great was its addictive multiplayer, so presenting a new split-screen trailer of Activision's Wii remake.

We took the re-imagining for a test drive last month, sampling one of the redesigned multiplayer maps, and in the latest snippet Activision uncovers more familiar and new locations to have a healthy living-room shootout.

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Wow, brings back good memories from uni / first house times.. I love the idea of playing this using the Wiimote instead of the annoying N64 stick; they'll have to seriously screw up for me not to enjoy playing this but I do wonder how well it will do overall.. how many nostalgic players can there be out there?

Egotism is the anesthetic given by a kindly nature to relieve the pain of being a damned fool. - Bellamy Brooks
ShadowEXP (guest) 22.08.2010#2

I tried to play this on my N64 yesterday and the control stick on my controllers is stiff like hell so it was really annoying. Exited about this.

No good getting stoked now when other m is only 2 weeks away... but yeah I'm going to love it Smilie

Dare I say that the Wii Remote/nunchuck control is, for me, easier and more fun to use? I tried the classic controller pro (in delicious black) and got royally owned, however felt far more comfortable and did better with the mote/chuck combo!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Dare I say that the Wii Remote/nunchuck control is, for me, easier and more fun to use? I tried the classic controller pro (in delicious black) and got royally owned, however felt far more comfortable and did better with the mote/chuck combo!

I'm a PC gamer at heart when it comes to FPS, so although I did love the original Goldeneye I'm most excited about not having to aim with the control stick Smilie

Egotism is the anesthetic given by a kindly nature to relieve the pain of being a damned fool. - Bellamy Brooks

Of course. Wiimote ownz stick controll for FPS. Faster/more-accurate. 1024x1024 resolution input vs..umm...whatever the analogue stick is.

( Edited 23.08.2010 02:49 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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will Gamecube be a control option? if not, then i would be a fool not to use the Classic Controller. That gold design is sexy as f**k

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

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