Upcoming Professor Layton Gets Dated For Europe

By 12.08.2010 9

Upcoming Professor Layton Gets Dated For Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Professor Layton fans have lots to look forward to in the near future. Next month will see the UK DVD release of the professors first feature film. Further down the line, the Professor will also be making his way onto Nintendo's new platform, the Nintendo 3DS. Now Nintendo have finally set a date for the third installment of the series, which will be heading to the Nintendo DS.

It comes just after a month, since the US release of the game and will be hitting European stores on October 22nd 2010. Along with the release date, Nintendo have also changed the title of the game, with it's new identity as Professor Layton and the Lost Future. Although this will be for Europe only.

The new game features what previous Layton fans come to expect, with new puzzles and a charming new story.

Box art for Professor Layton and the Lost Future








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Ahw, I was hoping this would be out next month alongside the DVD release of the film, but I'm still pretty stoked that it's out soon!

I wish they would come sooner. I wonder what they'll do with Layton 4? D:

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Roy (guest) 12.08.2010#2

I reckon the next Layton will be a 3ds one. Could result in interesting puzzles. Smilie

Roy (guest) said:
I reckon the next Layton will be a 3ds one. Could result in interesting puzzles. Smilie
The 4th Layton is already out in Japan for the DS. So, I pretty much doubt it. I guess they're working on translating it.

It's the 5th game that's been announced for the 3DS right? I'm guessing the 4th game will simply be released next year on the DS as normal. Japan will most likely get the 3DS title someitme next year so we'll have to wait till 2012 (when Japan get the 6th game). Smilie

Regarding the film, it takes place directly after the 4th game. Isn't it a bit soon to be releasing it here?

EDIT: WTF!?! Just seen the trailer for the 3rd game and they've changed Luke's voice actor. He sounds far more annoying. Not sure on Layton as he doesn't say too much. Smilie

EDIT 2: Just found out that the UK version has different voice actors to the US version. I borrow my mates copies and since he imports the US versions, I'm used to them. Not sure if I want to see the film now since it won't have the US VA.

( Edited 12.08.2010 20:38 by Ifrit XXII )

Ifrit XXII said:
It's the 5th game that's been announced for the 3DS right? I'm guessing the 4th game will simply be released next year on the DS as normal. Japan will most likely get the 3DS title someitme next year so we'll have to wait till 2012 (when Japan get the 6th game). Smilie

Regarding the film, it takes place directly after the 4th game. Isn't it a bit soon to be releasing it here?

EDIT: WTF!?! Just seen the trailer for the 3rd game and they've changed Luke's voice actor. He sounds far more annoying. Not sure on Layton as he doesn't say too much. Smilie

EDIT 2: Just found out that the UK version has different voice actors to the US version. I borrow my mates copies and since he imports the US versions, I'm used to them. Not sure if I want to see the film now since it won't have the US VA.

Yes, it is the 5th game which has been announced for 3DS (Alternatively the 2nd game, chronologically) You're right about the film taking place between the 4th and 5th games, if we're talking about the release order.

Not sure why they decided to localize the film without us even having the 4th game, but we can always watch it again, after we have played through it.

About the VA, Layton's voice stays the same as the NA version, and I'm glad. Brilliant voice, if you ask me. Luke may sound more annoying in the UK version, but the voice better suits his character. The way he dresses, the way he acts.. I just think the UK VA for Luke suits the character just perfectly. (He's a right cockney lad. Smilie)

( Edited 13.08.2010 02:03 by Mush123 )


I bet it will be like the Animal Crossing movie, which was surprisingly good.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

I too am extremely puzzled as to why they changed Luke's voice actor for the two different English releases. I mean... they're both British.

His US VA is a bit less annoying, but Mush is right, the UK voice suits his character and the time period a lot better. Now that I think about it, it's perfect.

The VA for the Layton series is truly top notch.

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SuperLink said:
I too am extremely puzzled as to why they changed Luke's voice actor for the two different English releases. I mean... they're both British.

His US VA is a bit less annoying, but Mush is right, the UK voice suits his character and the time period a lot better. Now that I think about it, it's perfect.

The VA for the Layton series is truly top notch.

Smilie For agreeing with me.

Maybe it's just because I'm used to the US Luke that hearing UK Luke sounds weird. Smilie

Hopefully the film gets an American dubbed release. They might be waiting till the 4th game is released since the film is set after it. Smilie

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