Screens from Street Fighter IV 3DS Presentation

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.07.2010 6

Screens from Street Fighter IV 3DS Presentation on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During Comic Con this weekend Capcom took the stage to reveal various projects in the works, including a quick Street Fighter IV montage.

The developer, alongside Namco, unveiled Street Fighter X Tekken for Xbox 360 and PS3, but didn't neglect Nintendo fans and showed a handful of screens from the 3DS version of the latest Street Fighter game.

Image for Screens from Street Fighter IV 3DS Presentation

Image for Screens from Street Fighter IV 3DS Presentation
Box art for Super Street Fighter IV








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Guest 25.07.2010#1

Nice, plenty of new features(tm).
AND it's in the palm of my hand now! Smilie

Sounds like a day 1 purchase.

Awesome, I'll probably get this one too.
Plenty of new features, interesting. Smilie

( Edited 25.07.2010 16:49 by Mush123 )

Image for

( Edited 25.07.2010 18:55 by Phoenichigo )

Calvon (guest) 26.07.2010#4

Lol why this not in the Wii then ?!! Capcom are retarded

Our member of the week

Because the 3DS has more horsepower than the Wii AND supports shaders, which help the game on 3DS look closer to the HD home consoles versions than the Wii could ever achieve. That's all.

Plus, given the target audience of the Wii and that of the 3DS... See what i mean Smilie ?

( Edited 26.07.2010 01:16 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Looks interesting. Still have to wait to try it on the 3DS before knowing if it's worth a purchase.

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