Well; Capcom have been going overboard with new game development lately it seems.
Street Fighter x Tekken (pronounced Street Fighter Cross Tekken) is a new fighting game being developed by that guy who did Street Fighter IV. The game will be using the SFIV engine, although there are rumours that another version will be made with the Tekken 6 engine.
As seen here, it seems there will be a tagging system too.

herp derp

derpius maximus
So far Ryu, Chun-Li, Dan Hibiki, Kazuya Mishima and Nina Williams have been confirmed as playable characters. Apparently the creators of SFIV and Tekken will also be playable. Wtf?
Anyway I hope Lili's playable. Lili is awesome.
PS. not entirely related, but a new online version of Street Fighter III was also confirmed, and more was shown of Super Street Fighter IV for the 3DS.
Discuss Capcom's ridiculous amount of development teams and how awesome they are.
Personally I'm disappointed that it's not Capcom Vs Namco like previously rumoured, because I'm not a huge fan of either the SF or Tekken cast, whereas I love the casts of many other Capcom and Namco games.
However I'll definitely still get it! Some of the Tekken characters are awesome~
( Edited 25.07.2010 00:26 by SuperLink )