Call of Duty Online Remains Free

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.07.2010 10

Call of Duty Online Remains Free on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Activision have crushed recent rumours suggesting that there would be fees to play Call of Duty: Black Ops online.

The latest addition to multiplatform war shooter will continue to boast a variety of online options, and according to the community manager for Activision, Josh Olin, will remain free.

There had been rumours from analysts suggesting that the series will introduce paid-only extras like tournaments and leaderboards to maximise revenue.

No, you will not have to 'Pay to Play' multiplayer either. Rumor -> Squashed.

For the time being Call of Duty will remain free to pay online. Would you splash a dollop of green for additional features and optional modes?

Box art for Call of Duty: Black Ops





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (12 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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chigz (guest) 21.07.2010#1

nooooo way!id rather throw money down a drain than give it to a huge corporation�_�

And so it should. There is no reason to pay for anything, you have bought the game it is their job to maintain the servers.

I wouldn't pay for the game, let alone the online.

Jon Compton (guest) 21.07.2010#4

This game is fuck all to do with Activision !! Activision is SHITT!

chigz (guest) said:
nooooo way!id rather throw money down a drain than give it to a huge corporation�_�

Take it you don't buy many games then?

jolerhea (guest) 21.07.2010#6

wow waht idiots would think that they put the a price on the online thats like makeing people to breathe airSmilie

jolerhea (guest) said:
wow waht idiots would think that they put the a price on the online thats like makeing people to breathe airSmilie

Not really, air is a necessity playing games online is a luxury.

But I see your point Smilie

Jon Compton (guest) said:
This game is fuck all to do with Activision !! Activision is SHITT!

chigz (guest) said:
nooooo way!id rather throw money down a drain than give it to a huge corporation�_�

I take it you idiots don't know how to read.

jolerhea (guest) said:
wow waht idiots would think that they put the a price on the online thats like makeing people to breathe airSmilie

7 words: Every Pay to Play MMORPG

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Writing is on the wall, games have gotten significantly more expensive to make and we have to foot the bill somehow.

Dan (guest) 15.08.2010#10

i think tht is stupid thinking that everyone is going to pay for black ops online cos no one would buy the game

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