New Pokémon Download Event for HeartGold/SoulSilver

By Stuart Lawrence 27.06.2010 17

New Pokémon Download Event for HeartGold/SoulSilver on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Have you never been able to get your hands on Jirachi? Either through lack of trading, or not having Pokémon Channel on the GameCube? Well have no fear because from today (June 26th), if you live in America, Europe or Australasia, up until July 16th, you’ll be able to download the legendary Wish Maker Pokémon onto your copy of Pokémon HeartGold, SoulSilver, or any Nintendo DS Pokémon game in the main series.

Just like the Jirachi given out in events in America and Australia earlier this year, if you download it to your copy of HeartGold or SoulSilver, you’ll unlock the Night Sky's Edge Pokéwalker course, which allows players to capture moon based Pokémon (such as Clefairy) along with being able to find rare items.

Thanks to for the details.

Will you be downloading Jirachi? How are the WiFi events fairing for you?

Box art for Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver

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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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You can also download it to Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, just FYI. Smilie
EDIT: Aaah you posted it already, I missed that. My bad.

I got 3 Jirachis thismorning from all the versions I own Smilie so happy, I love Jirachi.

( Edited 26.06.2010 23:07 by SuperLink )

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May dig out this game and play it again....I think I had like 6 badges on Heart Gold? Can I still get Jiraichi?

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Simon  said:
May dig out this game and play it again....I think I had like 6 badges on Heart Gold? Can I still get Jiraichi?

I'm pretty sure you have Mystery Gift unlocked almost right away on HG/SS, so probably yeah.

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That's.... cool?
I just got a Jirachi a few months ago. Can't they giv eus something like Mew or Celebi? Now Jirachis are going to be common as hell, lol. I can download two more xD
Oh well. Still cool. Jirachi's a badass.

NNID: crackedthesky
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justonesp00lturn said:
That's.... cool?
I just got a Jirachi a few months ago. Can't they giv eus something like Mew or Celebi? Now Jirachis are going to be common as hell, lol. I can download two more xD
Oh well. Still cool. Jirachi's a badass.

Europe hasn't had a Jirachi event since Pokémon Channel on the Gamecube (which wasn't really an event)

So yes it's mega ultra cool for us.
Mew was available for download in Japan a few months ago, so maybe we'll get it eventually. Same with the movie Celebi, but that will probably be an instore event.

( Edited 26.06.2010 23:47 by SuperLink )

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I already got a Jirachi a while ago from the Pokemon Coliseum Pre-Order disc, I think. Anyway, I have a Jirachi now, but I'll get another two for HG and Diamond.

You would think they would give us Celebi, considering it is the GS super-legendary.

Oh, I didn't know Europe didn't get Jirachi. That's good they're doing it again, then.
My friend said she tried it on Platinum, but it wouldn't let her, it said she already had a Jirachi from the previous download. Does that mean I'd be unable to do it?
I have Platinum and HG. I got Jirachi in Platinum and later transferred it to HG. So I'll try connecting with both games and see what happens.

Edit: It wouldn't let me download Jirachi to Platinum, but it let me do it for HeartGold. The Jirachi comes with the same starting moves, including Draco Meteor (which it can't normally learn.)

( Edited 27.06.2010 05:47 by justonesp00lturn )

NNID: crackedthesky
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PMD said:
I already got a Jirachi a while ago from the Pokemon Coliseum Pre-Order disc, I think. Anyway, I have a Jirachi now, but I'll get another two for HG and Diamond.

You would think they would give us Celebi, considering it is the GS super-legendary.

HAHA! That's where I got mine from!!! Smilie

I used to work in a game store back then and we had so many Ruby & Sapphire Versions and I kept loading the Jirachi up on all the game packs with the pre-order disc and then I transfered them to my own game pack! I had like twelve Jirachi!!!

I started to take over the world with my little army of Jirachi! Smilie

I wish I had a Nintendo Wifi adapter, my router wont let me switch to WEP without taking away the WPA security and Mcdonald's cloud Wifi doesn't let my DS connect for some reason.

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my pokemon hg is japanese so all I get is a crummy Scyzor.


Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Stulaw said:
I wish I had a Nintendo Wifi adapter, my router wont let me switch to WEP without taking away the WPA security and Mcdonald's cloud Wifi doesn't let my DS connect for some reason.

Do you need WEP and WPA at the same time?
Couldn't you switch to WEP, download the Jirachi, then switch it back to WPA?
I doubt anyone's going to hack into your network or computer in the ten minutes it'll take.
Unless someone's just dying for the opportunity and monitoring your router 24/7, for some reason...

NNID: crackedthesky
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I have 2 routers, a WEP and a WPA one. (just because we didn't chuck away our old one when we got a new one with shiney new WPA) so I can just turn on the wep one whenever i need wep, then turn it off again afterwards because it's unsecure!!! Though I doubt anyone would seriously try and hack our interweb...better safe than sorry.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

So I am a little lost with getting this..... anyone hep me with this whole thing.

Leave a comment of message below. Steps would be appreciated Smilie

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Right first of all you need the "Mysery Gift" option on the main menu after the title screen. If you have HG/SS it's already unlocked (just scroll down to see it).

If you have D/P/Pt, go here to find out how to unlock it.

After you enter Mystery Gift, you just go to search for gift over WiFi, and you should get the Jirachi's Wonder Card.

After that, head into any Pokémart with an empty slot in your team, and the deliveryman will give you your Jirachi!

( Edited 29.06.2010 11:51 by SuperLink )

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Brittany (guest) 03.07.2010#15

is it available in canada??????????

yellow115 (guest) 14.07.2010#16

i was in florida yesterday and i have one, but i was wondering if it would work in canada. has anyone tried?

bulbapics876 (guest) 15.07.2010#17

it works in toronto!!!i tried it and so did my friend with great success!

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