Pokémon HeartGold / SoulSilver (Nintendo DS) Preview

By Shane Jury 04.03.2010

Review for Pokémon HeartGold / SoulSilver on Nintendo DS

Widely considered to be the greatest of all the handheld Pokemon games, Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver will be making a reappearance in their updated DS iterations in just a matter of weeks. Cubed3 goes hands-on with the Japanese edition to see what's what, and why all fans should be counting down the minutes to 26th March, 2010.

The first thing you will notice, aside from the shininess of the cover box, is its bulk. HeartGold and SoulSilver both arrive with Pokewalker Pedometers packed in at retail. The word ‘gimmick’ will probably jump to mind when you take out the tiny Poke-Ball/Dreamcast VMU replica, but it becomes a novel addition to your level-grinding when you do transfer a Pokemon via infrared signals to there, as with exclusive creatures to catch and items to gain, it's worth a walk around the block for.

Needless to say, like Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen before them, anyone who has played the originals will know exactly what to expect from HeartGold and SoulSilver story- and locations-wise. Not to say there is little new of note though - far from it. Everything has been given a fresh lick of paint, surpassing even Pokemon Platinum to become the best-looking addition to the Pocket Monsters legacy yet. The classic music has also been given a spruce-up with sheer aural pleasure that makes use of earphones definitely worthwhile. The monster at the top of your list, be it any of the sub-500 available to you, will throw a Pikachu-style tantrum and follow you around on the field, where you can talk to it, and take any items it picks up. The game can be entirely touch-screen and D-Pad controlled now, and Item/Pokemon/Pokedex navigation is now easier than ever because of it; and even though it sounds like a minor deal, long-time fans will be blessing the addition of a second slot for item assigning.

Screenshot for Pokémon HeartGold / SoulSilver on Nintendo DS

Making a return to the series is the Pokegear, a device that displays a handy Map, a built-in Radio used to coax monsters out of hiding or to give them a wake-up call, and the VS Seeker of the game; the Phone. By agreeing to exchange numbers with opponents once you've beaten seven shades out of them, they can give you a call later on to give useful information, or to arrange rematches.

Travelling through Johto follows the classic and established formula of Gyms, Battles, Pokemon Centres and Tm/Hm usage, that even after all these years remains as fun as ever. Battles are sped up a considerable amount from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, and Double Battles make their debut in Gold and Silver's universe too. What awaits players after the Elite Four at the end of this game single-handedly makes it the longest entry in the series, plus combined with the sheer number of Pokemon to collect in general, Game Freak has ensured the lifespan of Pokemon HeartGold / SoulSilver will stretch to at least until the 5th generation of games that are reportedly already in the works.

Screenshot for Pokémon HeartGold / SoulSilver on Nintendo DS

Final Thoughts

Unless the sight of Pikachu makes you want to punch something, be sure to get ready for a pair of the DS system’s greatest games to make their appearance on retail shelves. It is not long now until you will be cruising down Johto's roads and mopping the floor with your Red-haired swine of a Rival once again!


Game Freak




Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (32 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   


Awesome preview Shane, having played the Japanese version extensively myself I fully agree with everything Smilie


What awaits players after the Elite Four at the end of this game single-handedly makes it the longest entry in the series

This, which isn't necessarily true. Platinum's deeper story and frankly gigantic region gives the two tiny regions of Gen2 a run for its money. Not to mention 16 Gyms means that levelling up has to be spaced out more, making overlevelling and the overall experience a fair bit easier. So even if Gen2 is actually the longest, it's not by such a large margin.

Anyway, can't wait, bring on the 26th!

( Edited 17.12.2012 16:52 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Great preview! I wasn't too keen on the graphics in Diamond but HG/SS have improved so much on them. The towns are beautifully detailed and the colours are much more vibrant. Especially the gyms. Smilie

Can't wait for my copy to arrive (UK version) but at least I'll have Heavy Rain and FFXIII to keep me busy till then. Smilie

RE. D/P/Pl, I couldn't get into Sinnoh. My guys blonde haired friend/rival(TRIS I called him) irritated me and Team Galaxy were just Team Magma/Aqua imitators. There wasn't enough water also. Smilie I'd rather surf than have to go through a cave. I hate having to use strength, rock smash, strength, rock smash etc as it usually means sacrificing one of my main 6 for a HM whore. Smilie

( Edited 04.03.2010 21:13 by wAyNe )

wAyNe said:
RE. D/P/Pl, I couldn't get into Sinnoh. My guys blonde haired friend/rival(TRIS I called him) irritated me

I thought Barry was a great rival, and original too. Most rivals up until then had been horrible jerks or hardly noticable (yeah Wally), whereas Barry was a competitive friend who was actually an awesome Pokémon trainer too.

and Team Galaxy were just Team Magma/Aqua imitators.

Team Galactic were far deeper and had far greater aspirations than Magma/Aqua. Yeah they could have been a bit more original with them, but they were definitely "better" villains than Magma/Aqua.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
T.J (guest) 05.03.2010#4

this game will get


Xx(this could win HANDHELD GAME OF Y**R)xX

*checks days*

8 days, ladies and gentlemen, 8 days until I get my first game of the year! U-S-A! U-S-A! Smilie

Fantastic review, Shane! Every time you review something or write a blog, 99.99% of the time I end of laughing! Add on top of that that this is a game I've been waiting a year for, it makes this a great Preview! Smilie

( Edited 06.03.2010 19:24 by Keven Trainer Gold )

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Except that it's a preview, ya nit. Smilie

Phoenixus said:
Except that it's a preview, ya nit. Smilie

Image for

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

This game will sell so much!

And will take over my life haha

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

Aghfghaghfg I want it nooooow, dun wanna wait no more! Everything looks so great, and the adition with the pokemon following you is so adorable! I really missed that from Yellow. Love how they made Lt. Surge look younger. Smilie Also, lovely preview. Smilie

Sheena said:
Aghfghaghfg I want it nooooow, dun wanna wait no more! Everything looks so great, and the adition with the pokemon following you is so adorable! I really missed that from Yellow. Love how they made Lt. Surge look younger. Smilie Also, lovely preview. Smilie

Waiting a few extra weeks will make you enjoy it even more when you buy it. I know what you mean though, I am going crazy with the wait. Plus I will be getting the free Pokemon at Plymouth on the 20th, so I am also hyped for that.Smilie

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999


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