Final Fantasy V and VI Possible for 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.06.2010 36

Final Fantasy V and VI Possible for 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix's Shinji Hashimoto revealed several months ago that Final Fantasy V and VI had technical problems, but could the games be heading to 3DS?

The remakes for both classic SNES games have been uncertain, and by the looks of things, are still uncertain. That said, there is hope RPG fans - especially those of you who are considering 3DS. Siliconera questioned Hashimoto at E3 earlier this month into the whereabouts of both games, and whether they'd be brought to 3DS instead.

For the moment Square Enix are holding out, waiting to "see how 3DS does, how it evolves, and then make a decision."

Would you like to see both games make a comeback, perhaps for 3DS?

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He was replying to you complaining you'd rather get it for your Snes but its too expensive.
We all know its trivaly easy to pirate/emulate snes stuff. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Martin_ said:
Jim (guest) said:
Wii Homebrew channel, SNES emulator and get a classic controller. As good as experience.

I can do that shit on my PC.

Fair enough if the PC is all you have, but I have a Wii and I'd rather sit on the couch playing it, with a decent TV, sound system and not have a noisy over powered computer on just to run a snes game.

( Edited 27.06.2010 13:43 by Jimmy2000 )

True, which is why I like playing it on my actual Super Famicom. Totally silent, bro! Paying for emulation seems a bit of a waste when of got the actual old school brick there. Plus cartridges have more awesome inside them than DLs. I always loved carts, despite their utterly crippling flaws from a game development viewpoint.

Anyways this is all academic. I don't have a Wii, so I'd be paying about �£200 just to play FFVI. Despite being as expensive as fuck, getting it for my SFC still works out cheaper than taking your advice! Smilie

Could always get the PS1 version or even GBA one.

Jimmy2000 said:
Could always get the PS1 version or even GBA one.

The PS1 version contains loading which annoyed a lot of people.

And the GBA version doesn't have the original aspect ratio, plus it's handheld, which Martin isn't a big fan of. Smilie

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Even though Sony does not own SE, a FF7 remake on 3DS would be the ultimate Nintendo win. Fanboys would feel that giant stab in the back for sure.

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

SuperLink said:
Jimmy2000 said:
Could always get the PS1 version or even GBA one.

The PS1 version contains loading which annoyed a lot of people.

And the GBA version doesn't have the original aspect ratio, plus it's handheld, which Martin isn't a big fan of. Smilie

Baggers can't be choosers!

Jimmy2000 said:
Baggers can't be choosers!

Teabaggers can be choosers, though.

Surpwnsalot (guest) 07.09.2010#34

3 things I want to see happen, FF5 FF6, and FF7 for the 3DS, the only reason I want 7 though is to piss off the Sony fanboys. Smilie

Slvblrn (guest) 12.10.2010#35

Square, come on. It should be apparent from the get-go, with the Nintendo and DS fan-bases and the excitement over the revolutionary 3DS, that the console is going to sell like hot cakes. And guess what? If there were exciting Square Enix games that were confirmed as being developed, that would encourage what? MORE SALES! You don't sit on the sidelines and wait and see. You jump in and contribute to the success of the console at the beginning. This isn't the bloody virtual boy. There is nothing risky or weak or stupid about the 3DS. It's powerful, it has a huge fan base already, being the next instalment of the best selling handheld console in the world, has tons of third party support. If one is afraid people won't like the 3D effects, so what? They can be turned off anyway! Get your butt in gear, Square.

bjammin247 (guest) 21.02.2011#36

I love final fantasy V and VI there is not enough love out there for FFV imo. To see FFV and FF VI redone in 3d would seal the deal for me, i would have to buy the games and the system, i have been waiting for these games to be remade since the 90s. PLEASE NINTENDO MAKE THESE AWESOME GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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