Final Fantasy V and VI Possible for 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.06.2010 36

Final Fantasy V and VI Possible for 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix's Shinji Hashimoto revealed several months ago that Final Fantasy V and VI had technical problems, but could the games be heading to 3DS?

The remakes for both classic SNES games have been uncertain, and by the looks of things, are still uncertain. That said, there is hope RPG fans - especially those of you who are considering 3DS. Siliconera questioned Hashimoto at E3 earlier this month into the whereabouts of both games, and whether they'd be brought to 3DS instead.

For the moment Square Enix are holding out, waiting to "see how 3DS does, how it evolves, and then make a decision."

Would you like to see both games make a comeback, perhaps for 3DS?

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So basically we're going to be waiting quite a while for them... what a pain.

In any case I'm glad they'll probably be delayed to the 3DS. Unlike the DS, the 3DS could not only do a lot of justice to V and VI, but VII, VIII and IX aswell.

Not that I particularly want to see a remake of VIII. Smilie

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Give me FF5 & 7 on 3DS and you can have my first-born, Square-Enix. Smilie

A FF7 remake being announced on the 3DS would cause outrage amongst FF7 fanyboys hoping for a PS3 remake. Smilie

( Edited 25.06.2010 16:44 by Ifrit XXII )

Our member of the week

We're going to wait because as long as good software sales aren't guaranteed on 3DS, Sony's voice at the annual general meeting may prevent them from developing big budget titles for a non-Sony console.

Why do you think that we had to wait for Final Fantasy III and its moderate success before seeing more great Square Enix games on DS ? As a shareholder in SquareEnix Co. Ltd., Sony has a say, but the other shareholders may have a bigger influence on the decisions when chances of making lots of money on a non-Sony hardware (a Nintendo one in this case) cannot be denied.

That's just what i think though Smilie

SCE is their fourth biggest shareholder. Don't expect them to focus their support to a non-Sony console any time soon Smilie

( Edited 25.06.2010 16:46 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
That's just what i think though Smilie

Do Sony really have that much of a say over what S-E does? As a new system with the DS name, its games are certain to do very well, and most probably better than the Wonderswan and PSP which S-E created games for...

Not to mention S-E have already confirmed numerous games for the 3DS, including a brand new Kingdom Hearts game, a Final Fantasy game, and a new Chocobo Racing game.

( Edited 25.06.2010 16:49 by SuperLink )

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SuperLink said:
Do Sony really have that much of a say over what S-E does?

Since SE is technically 8.25% property of Sony Computer Entertainement Co. Ltd., i think they have at least a non-negligible influence on SE's decisions.

And in my opinion still, they released much bigger and more ambitious titles on PSP than on DS (quantity isn't quality in my book...)

That being said, it's in Sony's best interest that SE stays in a good economical health by making big money on Nintendo's consoles, because if SE makes profit, Sony CE, has a shareholder, makes money too !

( Edited 25.06.2010 16:58 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
And in my opinion still, they released much bigger and more ambitious titles on PSP than on DS (quantity isn't quality in my book...)

That's probably atleast partly true, but the DS got a sequel to the Tactics series while the PSP only got a port. The DS got many original games and full 3D remakes while the DS only got Dissidia, Crisis Core (which are both great yeah), and FFI/II ports (as seperate games for some reason).

It's also getting its second Kingdom Hearts game soon.
I'm pretty sure S-E loved the DS D: the PSP can have more ambitious games because it has the space for them. The DS wouldn't have been able to do real justice to games like Crisis Core or Dissidia.

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Kafei2006 said:
SuperLink said:
Do Sony really have that much of a say over what S-E does?

Since SE is technically 8.25% property of Sony Computer Entertainement Co. Ltd., i think they have at least a non-negligible influence on SE's decisions.

And in my opinion still, they released much bigger and more ambitious titles on PSP than on DS (quantity isn't quality in my book...)

That being said, it's in Sony's best interest that SE stays in a good economical health by making big money on Nintendo's consoles, because if SE makes profit, Sony CE, has a shareholder, makes money too !

If this was the case wouldnt Dragon Quest have been on the PSP? (the biggest franchise square or any japanese company owns in Japan)

And whats with these pathetic negative and positive scores attached to peoples comments about?

Our member of the week

meeto_0 said:
If this was the case wouldnt Dragon Quest have been on the PSP? (the biggest franchise square or any japanese company owns in Japan

Because the PSP doesn't have the same sales figures as the DS ^^. It's just a question of user base. Same goes for draque X on Wii.

Now the 3DS doesn't have sales figures yet. And SquareEnix already stated in an interview that they are unsure about what good 3D can do to gaming, so this explains why they are there, showing Kingdom Hearts, but holding on for a lot of other possible great games, such as FFV and FFVI, though we know for sure that a Final Fantasy title is in the works according to Nintendo's E3 conference.

I'm ready to bet that if it wasn't for the generally positive and highly enthusiastic response of other game companies such as Konami or Capcom to the 3DS even before it was sfirst shown to the public, who clearly show they want to invest a lot of efforts in the 3DS, SE wouldn't have KH for 3DS in the works. I bet the screens we saw were just experiments on the development kits that SE put together in emergency. After all, SE are among the very few companies who didn't have any real time demo, or even a video running on the system. Just bland screens for only two games.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
but holding on for a lot of other possible great games, such as FFV and FFVI, though we know for sure that a Final Fantasy title is in the works according to Nintendo's E3 conference.

What makes V and VI (especially V) much more ambitious than FFIV? Which was on DS. The 3DS will likely carry DS' userbase, so I don't see why S-E would remove support for it.

I bet the screens we saw were just experiments on the development kits that SE put together in emergency. After all, SE are among the very few companies who didn't have any real time demo, or even a video running on the system. Just bland screens for only two games.

KH3DS had a full "behind closed doors" trailer that has been mentioned by many people on KH websites.

Jus' sayin'.

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Jim (guest) 25.06.2010#11

Square has no love for any company other than the company who pushes out the most units, for the most part the PSP performed ok(very well in Japan) and then the DS did amazingly so it's not suprising each platform got a fair share of some games.

It has nothing to do with Sony having any kind of say in what they do.

They'll wait on how it does? After the E3 showing they should realize the portable will easily sell 20 million units worldwide in it's first year alone. They should get down to making the remake NOW so we get it during the second year of the 3DS.

Square love the DS. They've released a huge variety of top quality games so I think the 3DS will also receive a similar level of support. There may not be as many games as the DS due to increased development costs when working with more powerful hardware but I think we'll definitely see V and VI remade at one point or another.

esper (guest) 26.06.2010#14


Square showed far and away more support for the DS than the PSP, I think both in quantity and in quality. Sure, the PSP got Crisis Core. But the DS got almost literally everything else of any note. Sony does not have that much say. If they had any real control, Final Fantasy 13 would have never made its way to the 360.

This news post does sadden me though. I have full confidence we'll see FF5 and 6 at some point. But this makes me believe it'll be a lot further away than I would have liked..

( Edited 25.06.2010 20:02 by Jacob4000 )

Would rather get FFVI for my SNES. Costs so much dollar, though.

Jim (guest) 26.06.2010#17

Martin_ said:
Would rather get FFVI for my SNES. Costs so much dollar, though.

Wii Homebrew channel, SNES emulator and get a classic controller. As good as experience.

Our member of the week

Jacob4000 said:
Square showed far and away more support for the DS than the PSP, I think both in quantity and in quality. Sure, the PSP got Crisis Core. But the DS got almost literally everything else of any note.

It's a bit unfair to say that Crisis Core is all the PSP got.

It also got :

-Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (which is much better than 358/2 days, i can't say much about Re:Coded on a quality comparison though)
-Dissidia Final Fantasy
-Two Star Ocean games
-Valkyrie Profile Lenneth
-The best Final Fantasy Tactics ever made (even though it's a remake)

And it's now set to get a sequel to one of my favorite games ever : Parasite Eve. And FF Agito XIII is coming too.

It's not much compared to the DS but they're all triple A titles. The same can't be said of :

-FFXII Revenant Wings (a nice looking game, but i found it lame when playing it. Why couldn't we have a game that controls like FFXII itself using the same graphic engine ?)
-The Chocobo games (nice games but not exactly triple A)
-the DS Valkyrie Profile (which i found really BAD !)
-The Mana games (they were just decent, and why is it that we couldn't get a genuine A-RPG entry in the series, but only experiments with new genres ? The PS2 did, so why not the DS ?)
-Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days (does it need an explanation ? The worst episode in the series)

FFTA2 is a triple A title too IMO, but the PSP still got the coolest one out of the two.

And i wasn't saying that Square didn't support the DS as much as the PSP, but that the PSP got almost exclusively big projects and high quality games. And some of the most really ambitious and original titles they made for DS, like both Nanashi no Game titles, or Blood of Bahamut remained exclusive to Japan. Meh...

My favorite Square Enix games on DS so far are FFIV (a remake of a game which i already owned), Chrono Trigger (another game which i already owned), the Dragon Quest IV & V remakes and both FFCC games. And i have yet to start playing The World Ends With You which is said to be very good. And finally I don't know about Sigma Harmonics.

The DS got A LOT of above average games from SquareEnix, i don't deny that, but games with the same aura and appeal as Crisis Core, KH Birth by Sleep or the new Parasite Eve ? i don't see the same appeal in their DS efforts, nor the same effort put behind advertising their DS games.

NOW, all that being said, i'll believe in their much more serious support for the 3DS when i see it, but seeing how they hold back on FFV and FFVI after the success the 3DS was at E3, i'm not getting my hopes too high for finally seeing FFVII to XII on a Nintendo Console, even if the 3DS ends up being the best console of all time (though i'd be delighted to see that finally happen as a long time Nintendo fanboy ^^)

SuperLink said:
KH3DS had a full "behind closed doors" trailer that has been mentioned by many people on KH websites.

Jus' sayin'.

Mea Culpa, i wasn't aware of that. Maybe they're really behind the 3DS like they were with the DS after all, but i'll still believe it when i hear them being as enthusiastic about the 3DS as most of the other third parties are. Their staying quiet about it is almost disturbing seeing how all the others are getting all steamy about the new sexy Nintendo beast Smilie

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

i love dis topic


Kafei2006 said:

-Two Star Ocean games

One of which is a lazy port, and the other is a remake using the engine of the port.

-The best Final Fantasy Tactics ever made (even though it's a remake)

Really it's just a port with extras.

It's not much compared to the DS but they're all triple A titles. The same can't be said of :

I would heavily contest that. Star Ocean is very rarely Triple A, and that's coming from a huge SO fan.

FFTA2 is a triple A title too IMO, but the PSP still got the coolest one out of the two.

It's still a new Tactics game that genuinely expands on the Ivalice mythos (which is a very important part of FF now), which a lot of people actually prefer to the original.

There's also the two great Crystal Chronicles games on DS. They may not be triple A but they're very original and they've got quite a nice fan following now.

- Three Dragon Quest remakes. Not just ports, full remakes with updated sprites and 3Dness and stuff.
- And a FULL mainseries Dragon Quest game. PSP has never gotten a mainseries anything from S-E.

Plus last but certainly not least, don't forget Final Fantasy: 4 Light Warriors. The first new classic-styled turn based Final Fantasy RPG since Final Fantasy IX 10 years ago.
This seems like a pretty big deal to me! Definitely not something to ignore.

The DS got A LOT of above average games from SquareEnix, i don't deny that, but games with the same aura and appeal as Crisis Core, KH Birth by Sleep or the new Parasite Eve ? i don't see the same appeal in their DS efforts, nor the same effort put behind advertising their DS games.

Maybe it's just me, but I do. I feel like atleast a couple of their DS offerings are better than Crisis Core, which I loved too.

Plus DQIX is being pretty heavily advertised in the west, especially for a DQ game that's not out for a little while yet.

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That's Nintendo advertising draque IX in the west, not SE themselves.

And i really LOVE both FFCC games on DS Smilie.

Then i know it's just my tastes too, but their investments in the DS isn't trustworthy enough in my opinion. Why is it that Konami already released games a lot of game susing 2GBit carts and even one now using 4GBit while SE is only using 1GBit carts ? They could do so much more with that much more space. I really hope KH Re:Coded uses 4GBit ^^. Suikoden Tierkreis is one of the most impressive 2D efforts on the DS (and an awesome RPG too) and it was 2GBit.

Why isn't SE trying to push the DS in the 2D territory using the highest capacity carts like they used to push the 2D on PS1 ? I don't get it. I can't help but imagine how a new Final Fantasy with the classic feel of episode IX would look on DS using the highest capacity carts. It makes me sick to see this unexploited potential.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Konami's Nintendo support is disgustingly erratic, even compared to money whores like Square-Enix.

I'm really not sure that's a good comparison to make xP

For all we know S-E didn't want to use the larger DS carts because by the time they started popping out they were thinking about developing for other consoles? A lot of third parties have known about the 3DS for a long time, and S-E do make a lot of games at once. If they think they can push the smaller carts (like with FFIV) rather than use money for a huge cart and not use all of the space up for a game like FFV, then maybe it's more efficient for them to do that.

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Yeah, probably. But i still think it's a waste of potential. Their games on DS sell well, so it'd be worth the investment, especially if they can craft a gorgeous game that really uses every little bit of power out of the DS.

Now that the 3DS is pretty much on our doorsteps already, i don't think we'll ever see that either. Pity...

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

-Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (which is much better than 358/2 days, i can't say much about Re:Coded on a quality comparison though)
-Dissidia Final Fantasy
-Two Star Ocean games
-Valkyrie Profile Lenneth
-The best Final Fantasy Tactics ever made (even though it's a remake)

Meh. I really don't see those games as amounting to more than the DS has. Frankly, I think Dragon Quest alone is worth more than all of them. Like I said, Crisis Core I count as a win for the PSP. Just about everything else on your list is some kind of port or frankly just isn't that important.

Granted a fair share of the DS titles are ports, but the system also has far more original titles from Square Enix.

I think you'd be in the minority in thinking the PSP had better Square Enix support.

( Edited 26.06.2010 00:45 by Jacob4000 )

Jim (guest) said:
Wii Homebrew channel, SNES emulator and get a classic controller. As good as experience.

I can do that shit on my PC.

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