Earthworm Jim 4 Considered not Confirmed

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.05.2010 12

Earthworm Jim 4 Considered not Confirmed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Over the weekend various reports confirmed a new Earthworm Jim game for the Wii, however creator Doug TenNapel has said otherwise.

Although there have been talks and ideas circulated around by TenNapel and publisher Interplay, the game has yet to be confirmed and in development, contrary to previous reports by a chap Doug had done a drawing for.

A statement on the situation, via GoNintendo:

I need some real press source to straighten out these rumors. I read the initial post by the guy who put up the drawing I did for him and almost NOTHING in the post he wrote was true. I'm getting piles of letters asking me to confirm or deny the post and from what I've read it's total disinformation.

Interplay actually wants to do the game right! We've been talking about a game now for two years. They want me to be involved, but times in games are tough right now for everyone. They have to raise a lot of money to fund the game properly.

So the way the guy posted it as Interplay wanting to do a rip off game is flat out false. In our early discussions about the game, we had tentatively brainstormed ideas for the Wii," he continued. "That is NOT a confirmation like the guy posted. We haven't presented the idea to Nintendo and all of what the guy posted in the article could actually jeopardize a real EWJ game coming out on the Wii, by Interplay involving me!

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I'm quite enjoying the DSiWare port of the original, and it's selling well on the DSi Shop here in the up will be EJ2 on download services, no doubt, as well as EJ1, 2 and 64 on Virtual Console (is EJ1 already on VC?).

Interplay is keen to milk its franchises, so if a 2D EJ4 cropped up, I really wouldn't be surprised. If Sonic 4 is as big as Mega Man 9 and 10, then it'll definitely happen.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I'm really worried about the future of the series, I'm a huge EWJ fan, always have been, so for absolutely nothing to have come out of these last two years of discussion between TenNapel and Interplay... well it's kinda disheartening, especially since EWJ4 was "confirmed" a year or so ago.

So I really hope TenNapel can get some kind of solid plan together, something possible, sort out all the rights, development teams etc. I'm not crossing my fingers for that though.

@ Jesusraz:
EWJ1 and 2 are already up on VC, I'm not sure if 64 will make it up there, but EWJ1 and 2 aren't coming to XBLA and PSN. They're getting a game called EarthWorm Jim HD" instead, an HD port of EWJ1. (It's coming out on Wiiware too)

( Edited 04.05.2010 18:32 by SuperLink )

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SuperLink said:
@ Jesusraz:
EWJ1 and 2 are already up on VC, I'm not sure if 64 will make it up there, but EWJ1 and 2 aren't coming to XBLA and PSN. They're getting a game called EarthWorm Jim HD" instead, an HD port of EWJ1. (It's coming out on Wiiware too)

Thanks for confirming - I had an inkling they were indeed on VC.

EJHD on XBLA is a timed exclusive, from what I heard. EJ on DSiWare is meant to be a 'remake' as well, but Gameloft has merely added a pointless camera mini-game. It's basically just a port of EJ on DS...which is fine by me! Some reviewers are criticising it for that, though, which strikes me as odd. Good game = good game, surely?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
EJHD on XBLA is a timed exclusive, from what I heard.

Yeah it is, it's coming out on PSN and Wiiware a month later.

EJ on DSiWare is meant to be a 'remake' as well, but Gameloft has merely added a pointless camera mini-game. It's basically just a port of EJ on DS...which is fine by me! Some reviewers are criticising it for that, though, which strikes me as odd. Good game = good game, surely?

Really my only criticisms are the loading times and occasional lag. The camera thing is pointless but I'm sure some people find it fun. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Unlike some, I'm old enough to vividly remember the original versions on Mega Drive. I now own both EWJ and EWJ2 on both MD and Super Famicom. You won't find a bigger fan than me! I'm all for an EWJ4, but only if TenNapel is involved in a proper fashion to avoid another dud like EWJ3D/64. Maybe just call it 'Earthworm Jim 3' and wipe that awful one from remembrance. Fans don't even consider it canon.

Martin_ said:
Unlike some, I'm old enough to vividly remember the original versions on Mega Drive.

There's a reason I didn't buy them on VC you know, I've had them both since the MegaDrive days too Smilie

You won't find a bigger fan than me!


The fact that it's been called EWJ4 in all discussions so far tells me that it would probably have that name or some kind of subtitle rather than being a "true EWJ3" though.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
Angry WORM (guest) 05.05.2010#7

BTW why I need to refresh to add another guest comment?

Angry EWJ FAN (guest) 05.05.2010#8

Some guy at McDonalds told me EWJ4 is being made! Fucking nooby websites reporting it as fact SmilieSmilie

Calm down SL, you act like there's a grudge between us?

Martin_ said:
Calm down SL, you act like there's a grudge between us?

But there iiiiss Smilie (no I really didn't mean anything like that)

But honestly TAG is easily the biggest EWJ fan on the site, he'll probably be really sad to hear about this Smilie

( Edited 05.05.2010 17:06 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
But honestly TAG is easily the biggest EWJ fan on the site, he'll probably be really sad to hear about this Smilie

Maybe he is, I don't know. What I said wasn't meant to be absolutely literal. I was basically saying I'm a fucking huge fan of Earthworm Jim! Had the games back in the day, watched the cartoons.

Martin_ said:
You won't find a bigger fan than me!


The fact that TenNapel hasn't confirmed it to be canceled is more than I could hope for. You have to be cautiously optimistic about the future of Earthworm Jim Smilie

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

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