Zelda's Goron Leader is 15 Inches

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.05.2010 9


The rock munching, all singing and dancing leader of the Goron tribe Darunia will receive statue treatment thanks to First4Figures.

The Legend of Zelda series protagonist Link has already been immortalised several times, and now its time for other beloved faces to go under the plaster. You'll need to smash up a fair few pots to earn him however, with an RRP of around $154.99 USD.

Darunia measures up to 15 inches to the very tips of his hair, and will be available Q4 2010.

Image for Zelda
Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time





Action Adventure



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (176 Votes)

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I lol'd at the title.Smilie

Ragna (guest) 04.05.2010#2

Mommy! Daddy! Why doesn't he have underwear?

L said:
I lol'd at the title.Smilie

\o high five Smilie

Ragna Fan!!!! (guest) 05.05.2010#4

I Don't know But you do see That little stick Under His BellySmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

large&incharge!!! (guest) 05.05.2010#5

Pffft. I am larger than him that I use plastic cups from Starbucks as condoms!Smilie

Darunia was dope. Remember when you kill the King Dodongo and you're outside Dodongo's cavern, him and his boys try and give you a 'big Goron hug'. Link runs scared, naturally.

Another great statue. Another great price. No way I can actually purchase that...

Dammit I love all of these statues. Is there no way to mass produce these for about �£30 a pop?

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Lynk said:
Dammit I love all of these statues. Is there no way to mass produce these for about ��£30 a pop?

Certainly, but they wouldn't be vinyl (they'd be made from a cheaper polymer), and guy would be machine-painted rather than hand-painted. Still it's over-priced massively (like a Gibson guitar I suppose). That's what these 'top-end' products give you, though - a little extra quality at an extremely huge premium. There'll be like only 1,000 of them made or something to give them an air of 'prestige', in order to try and justify the price.

Still though, looks unbelievably dope!

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