More U-Sing Girls Night Wii Details

By Adam Riley 04.05.2010 2

More U-Sing Girls Night Wii Details on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Mindscape and Universal Music On Line today announced new features for their upcoming karaoke game, U-Sing Girls Night, the sequel to U-Sing U’ve Got Talent, which was the best selling karaoke game on Wii for Christmas 2009. Mindscape has built upon this success by adding new features and improvements to U-Sing Girls Night, some of which are a first for console karaoke games.

Some of the new, exclusive features include download content, a first for karaoke games on Wii. Players with an Internet-connected Wii will be able to access the U-Sing online store via the game. Songs can be purchased using Nintendo Points. Also, there will be a 'Jukebox' mode where owners can transform the Wii console into a jukebox. Additionally, U-Sing Girls Night adds a new feature to the Jukebox mode by giving players the choice to display lyrics or not, without being scored, giving the game a real karaoke feel. On top of this, during a song, golden notes regularly appear on the music score. Filling a golden note triggers a sequence that adds bonus points to the player’s score. A counter on the right of the screen keeps the player’s score.

Other enhancements to the original game include:

  • Grading System: The new grading system rates players according to their performance. The grades are as follows (in descending order) - Legend, Star, Professional, Pretty Good, Not bad, Beginner, Atrocious. If a player beats the previous record, the new score can be recording using the virtual keyboard.

  • Player Activation: Before starting a song, each player must hum into the microphone to activate game position. This also helps determine the blue and green players during a multiplayer game.

  • Choosing a Song: The U-Sing Girls Night song menu initially displays the artist’s album cover. This gradually becomes a preview of the song and video clip.
U-Sing Girls Night is the first karaoke title to exclusively feature only female artists. The game features 30 official songs and videos of the world’s leading female artists including Lady Gaga, Amy Winehouse, Blondie, Katy Perry and Rihanna.

Box art for U-Sing Girls Night








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Anonymous :) (guest) 04.05.2010#1

whoooo is that girl in the pic?

Isn't that Sophie Ellis Bextor? Damn...

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