Nintendo Pennant Chase Was Completed

By Adam Riley 21.04.2010 7

Nintendo Pennant Chase Was Completed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A new piece of information has emerged to confirm Nintendo's realistic GameCube baseball title, Nintendo Pennant Chase Baseball was indeed complete, but unfortunately never saw the light of day for unknown reasons.

According to former Exile Interactive Senior Engineer, Steve Snake, "The game was completed and passed submission but was not released." This comment comes from his LinkedIn profile. He went on to say the following about the game that was first revealed five years ago now:

Getting the game to fit in retail memory when it was taking twice that meant anything that could be done must be done - implementing on-the-fly texture compression for textures generated in game, offline texture compression/conversion to more suitable formats for other textures, rewriting any parts of code that required large tables or data structures to use less memory, optimising string storage, modifying the memory manager to attempt to create less fragmentation, and other things. As well as general bug fixing I also implemented the movie player, and wrote a streaming audio driver to simultaneously stream music/crowd noises/commentary from the game disc.

Sadly, along with several other projects, including Rev Limit and Jungle Emperor Leo on the Nintendo 64, Nintendo shelved the project.

Below is a clip of what could have been:

Were you disappointed this Nintendo-published realistic baseball title was never released, with Mario Baseball replacing it?

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Whoa, I remember this game years ago from magazines. Don't see why they don't just take the game, add motion controls, and release it on Wii. Could do pretty well in the US and Japan - two big baseballing countries.

A Nintendo made baseball game (with no year), apparently lots of customizable options, and Red Sox star David Ortiz on the cover? Sounds like it would have been the perfect baseball game for me.


3DS Code 2578-3122-0744
matt (guest) 21.04.2010#4

looks nextgen thats why they cancelled it joke wow with all that extra wii power this could wipe all baseball games off the map

Baseball must be one of the most boring sports to us Europeans... Smilie

Well, Baseball has it's moments and it's waaay better if you're actually at the game.

Now, the game looked great (the animation is just amazing), and if the game was finished they COULD at some point revive it and release on Wii. Maybe next year?

There's some definite wii sports in there.

The shots of the stadium, and the way it is structured, are all ripped straight out. Wii sports was even cheaper to make?!

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