Final Fantasy VII Heading to Nintendo DS (April Fool)

By Adam Riley 01.04.2010 52

Final Fantasy VII Heading to Nintendo DS (April Fool) on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Happy April Fools' Day!

Hope you enjoyed the fabricated story today, folks. Thanks for being good sports and taking it in the right spirit! Enjoy the Easter holiday...

April Fools' Day Story: Following years of speculation about a remake, Square Enix has now finally confirmed a DS port of the much-loved seventh iteration of the multi-million selling Final Fantasy role-playing series. After recent comments from Motomu Toriyama, Director of Final Fantasy XIII, about how the entry he would most like to see remade is Final Fantasy VII, the game fans have been eagerly awaiting has at last been confirmed, with early images released by popular Japanese website, Famitsu. However, whilst many believed a PS3 version was inevitable, the reality is that the DS has the largest userbase in the world right now, and development costs to transfer the upgraded PSone code across to the Nintendo DS is far lower than on a High Definition console.

President of Square Enix himself pointed towards why a PS3 version was unlikely, stating recently that a PlayStation remake would be too costly and that:

"Right now we don't have a clear direction, but many fans have requested we remake Final Fantasy VII. We're going to explore the possibility - whether or not we're going to do it, if we're going to do it, and the platform."

This comment was made at the launch of Final Fantasy XIII, clearly avoiding the topic of Final Fantasy VII DS to prevent the limelight being taken away from the high profile launch of FFXIII on both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It has also been confirmed that Square Enix will be following in the footsteps of both Konami and Level-5 by making Final Fantasy VII DS one of the very first 4-Gbit DS releases and will include a new Wi-Fi option for players to battle against each other in order to gain extra experience points and special items for use in the main game.

The game is set for release in Japan on 11th November, 2010, with a tentative Christmas launch for the rest of the world. Whether or not there will be support incorporated for the upcoming 3DS platform, though, is currently unknown.

Be sure to check out the first screenshots of Final Fantasy VII DS in the media folder below.

Are you pleased Final Fantasy VII is finally returning in its original form? Would you have preferred a home console version?

Box art for Final Fantasy VII



Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



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Well look at that, at first i was very surprised, but then i realized the time.... happy April fool

THE GUEST (guest) 01.04.2010#27

Haha, good one!

Sukisan-Ed said:
...what a nice april fools joke......Smilie....but....>_< would be right?...i mean this is an exclusive to and why would they do this?...

That wouldn't be an issue at all - Sony only published the game in the West. After all, FFI-VI were on Nintendo systems, but have appeared on PSone/PSP/etc.

Martin_ said:
I like how this April Fools joke wasn't designed for C3 members, but was designed to draw as many new people to the site as possible. Look how many newborns and guests have posted on this news!

There wasn't really any planning involved. Someone just said 'what are we doing' and this was the first thing that sprung to mind, since it's not that far-fetched Smilie I even put 'AFD' as a keyword tag in the story to tip people off...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Smilie April 1st next year i bet Smilie come one guys

Quexinos (guest) 01.04.2010#30

HEre's some magazine scans about it guys:

I guess the stuff in the mag scan is for the DSi since that one supposedly is getting a special release...

This is the cruelest April fools joke ever. How could you. Smilie

Our member of the week

Happy April's Fools.

Honestly this is a BAD one. Not fair, this shouldn't be joked with XD. Don't give false hope to people like that XD.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Quexinos (guest) said:
HEre's some magazine scans about it guys:

I guess the stuff in the mag scan is for the DSi since that one supposedly is getting a special release...

Awesome finds Guest! Smilie

Kafei2006 said:
Honestly this is a BAD one. Not fair, this shouldn't be joked with XD. Don't give false hope to people like that XD.

The worse the better, right? Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
Our member of the week

The people behind the fake screenshots on the fake japanese scan should learn that DS is incapable of Trilinear mipmapped interpolation on textures though. It makes it even more "fake" looking XD.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Wiichigo (guest) 01.04.2010#35

Totally an april fools joke..... Totally, lol

smartguy (guest) 01.04.2010#36

april fools....nice try

DeathOfChaos (guest) 01.04.2010#37

And people believe this?

Pat (guest) 01.04.2010#38

"Posted today, 1 April at 00:00."

I mean, next time you guys avoid give us such evidence that it is an April fool.

Pat (guest) said:
"Posted today, 1 April at 00:00."

I mean, next time you guys avoid give us such evidence that it is an April fool.

Well hey, it's only fair to give some clues, like the 'AFD' tag at the top of the story. Don't want to sucker people too much Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

heh, so many guests here. You guys should become fully-fledged members, you'll fit right in. Smilie

Joke it may have been, but I would absolutely love to see this happen on a Handheld that isn't a PSP (been through 3, and am sure as hell not getting a 4th).

Phoenixus said:
heh, so many guests here. You guys should become fully-fledged members, you'll fit right in. Smilie

Joke it may have been, but I would absolutely love to see this happen on a Handheld that isn't a PSP (been through 3, and am sure as hell not getting a 4th).

Get a tablet PC and emulate the cunt. Win.

Considering this went up the day BEFORE April Fool's Day, this was not very funny. Especially since I was already spreading the word.
I also like how a bunch of guests post about how obviously fake it is two pages after we've already discussed how fake it is.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
Considering this went up the day BEFORE April Fool's Day, this was not very funny. Especially since I was already spreading the word.

Nope, it was posted at the turn of midnight, 00:00 on April 1st. You should have been prepared. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
justonesp00lturn said:
Considering this went up the day BEFORE April Fool's Day, this was not very funny. Especially since I was already spreading the word.

Nope, it was posted at the turn of midnight, 00:00 on April 1st. You should have been prepared. Smilie

Yeah, but midnight for you guys is like, seven PM the day before, for me, lol.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
Yeah, but midnight for you guys is like, seven PM the day before, for me, lol.

C3 is a British site, your timezone isn't our problem Smilie Smilie

( Edited 02.04.2010 18:02 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Not a nice joke to play. I was excited to find out this was going to be released on DS. Then I saw the section about it being April Fools. If Square do manage to make this on DS it should have enhanced graphics and a few extras

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

SuperLink said:
justonesp00lturn said:
Yeah, but midnight for you guys is like, seven PM the day before, for me, lol.

C3 is a British site, your timezone isn't our problem Smilie Smilie

Haha xD Touché.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:
javier (guest) 24.04.2010#48

about time i do not like downloading on systemsSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie im glad they made it for at least a systemSmilie

Quiroz (guest) 19.12.2010#49

Por fin dios escucho las plegarias de sus fanes
oO FF VII Wow estoy que me mato por tenerlo
Calidad regalo de navidad

Reno86 (guest) 06.01.2011#50

did people not think of the date, also the screen shot has cloud fighting an MP the 1st battle and he has the steal materia.
Come on people think

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