Final Fantasy VII Heading to Nintendo DS (April Fool)

By Adam Riley 01.04.2010 52

Final Fantasy VII Heading to Nintendo DS (April Fool) on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Happy April Fools' Day!

Hope you enjoyed the fabricated story today, folks. Thanks for being good sports and taking it in the right spirit! Enjoy the Easter holiday...

April Fools' Day Story: Following years of speculation about a remake, Square Enix has now finally confirmed a DS port of the much-loved seventh iteration of the multi-million selling Final Fantasy role-playing series. After recent comments from Motomu Toriyama, Director of Final Fantasy XIII, about how the entry he would most like to see remade is Final Fantasy VII, the game fans have been eagerly awaiting has at last been confirmed, with early images released by popular Japanese website, Famitsu. However, whilst many believed a PS3 version was inevitable, the reality is that the DS has the largest userbase in the world right now, and development costs to transfer the upgraded PSone code across to the Nintendo DS is far lower than on a High Definition console.

President of Square Enix himself pointed towards why a PS3 version was unlikely, stating recently that a PlayStation remake would be too costly and that:

"Right now we don't have a clear direction, but many fans have requested we remake Final Fantasy VII. We're going to explore the possibility - whether or not we're going to do it, if we're going to do it, and the platform."

This comment was made at the launch of Final Fantasy XIII, clearly avoiding the topic of Final Fantasy VII DS to prevent the limelight being taken away from the high profile launch of FFXIII on both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It has also been confirmed that Square Enix will be following in the footsteps of both Konami and Level-5 by making Final Fantasy VII DS one of the very first 4-Gbit DS releases and will include a new Wi-Fi option for players to battle against each other in order to gain extra experience points and special items for use in the main game.

The game is set for release in Japan on 11th November, 2010, with a tentative Christmas launch for the rest of the world. Whether or not there will be support incorporated for the upcoming 3DS platform, though, is currently unknown.

Be sure to check out the first screenshots of Final Fantasy VII DS in the media folder below.

Are you pleased Final Fantasy VII is finally returning in its original form? Would you have preferred a home console version?

Box art for Final Fantasy VII



Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



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Where's 5 and 6? T_T

But WOW, this is extremely big news. DS sales are going to be insane come Christmas time. I never played FFVII myself so this is great!

Edit: OMG I forgot the date. GOT ME GOOD LOL. Smilie

( Edited 02.10.2013 08:24 by Guest )

Good god O_o Was not expecting this.... I guess I'm a little disappointed it's not a proper remake, but wow! Awesome news for DS owners.

I already have it on PSP. To repurchase or not to repurchase, hmm.... Smilie

( Edited 02.10.2013 08:24 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Nice! I'd see it as more of a port than a remake though, as it does just look like the PSone game running on an emulator. Plus it will technically be in an even lower resolution than the PlayStation original. Still, grand news, grand game.

( Edited 02.10.2013 08:24 by Guest )

Who needs a HD version when there's the gameplay engine Matrix has tweaked from FFIII and FFIV to help make the PSone game look great on DS Smilie

( Edited 02.10.2013 08:24 by Guest )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Morris (guest) 01.04.2010#5

You guys do know what day it is don't you?

( Edited 02.10.2013 08:24 by Guest )

Amazing news. Might make me play my DS a bit more this, can't wait!

( Edited 02.10.2013 08:24 by Guest )

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...
Sardugno (guest) 01.04.2010#7

April fool's joke.

( Edited 02.10.2013 08:24 by Guest )

Lulz at Nintendo still using false denominations for the size of their media in order to make it sound bigger. 4Gbit = 512MB. 1MB = 8Mb. Essentially, there's eight 'bits' to a 'byte'. They were doing that back in the N64 days. Well, it's no less true actually, but it feels like they're being rather creative with the truth, as most people wouldn't know the difference, and would think 4Gb is the same as 4GB.

jesusraz said:
Who needs a HD version when there's the gameplay engine Matrix has tweaked from FFIII and FFIV to help make the PSone game look great on DS Smilie

Who really needs a DS version? You can get this game on a few different platforms now, and the DS version will have the lowest resolution of them all. To be fair though, that might help hide the awful blocky models! Smilie

SuperLink said:
Good god O_o Was not expecting this.... I guess I'm a little disappointed it's not a proper remake, but wow! Awesome news for DS owners.

I already have it on PSP. To repurchase or not to repurchase, hmm.... Smilie

I'd say "not repurchase". I know how much you bum Final Fantasy, and I reckon you probably already own two versions of this game. I guess it depends on how much you bum it.

Like, if you bum it as much as I bum the original Perfect Dark, then maybe get it. The only version of Perfect Dark that I don't own is the Japanese N64 version (where Joanna has a chink's face). The upgrades and such on the XBLA one really brought me joy, and though this won't be anywhere near the same league of "upgradedness" as XBLA PD, there should still be cool little differences and changes that hardcore fans would notice.

Maybe steal it? I can get it for you for �£8 on release. It'll be a stolen copy from a shop (not stolen by me personally). Interested?

( Edited 01.04.2010 00:22 by Martin_ )

ECM (guest) 01.04.2010#9


Good shout, ECM. April Fools hadn't even dawned on me. We'll see if people are still talking about this in a week.

ECM (guest) said:


Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Hesus, you cunt! April Fooling us all the way to the bank!

You deserve the following..

Martin_ said:
I'd say "not repurchase". I know how much you bum Final Fantasy, and I reckon you probably already own two versions of this game. I guess it depends on how much you bum it.

I do, but I only bought it the second time to play it handheld Smilie

A third time would have to put in a few extras, and this DS version sounds like it may have some Smilie
Who knows, might even have voice acting or something too!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Do not care... give me VI! Damn you Square enix

Edit: Damn date, but my statement still stands.

( Edited 01.04.2010 00:44 by satsubatsu347 )

Martin_ said:
Hesus, you cunt! April Fooling us all the way to the bank!

You're welcome Smilie

satsubatsu347 said:
Do not care... give me VI! Damn you Square enix

Edit: Damn date, but my statement still stands.

TBH, I wouldn't be surprised if FFV's remake is being lined up for 3DS or something. Would make sense.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Phonzi (guest) 01.04.2010#16

haha man, you had me going hahahaha, classic!

Yeah a proper V remake (NOT port) would get me most excited really.

A proper VII remake would also be awesome, but this sounds awesome too. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
Jim (guest) 01.04.2010#18

Fuck you guys lol

Jim (guest) said:
Fuck you guys lol

As my manager says, "Fuck you very much!" Smilie Smilie

SuperLink said:
Yeah a proper V remake (NOT port) would get me most excited really.

Definitely a remake, yeah - the work put into FFIV's remake was fantastic, I thought. Made FFIII pale in comparison. Matrix's Avalon Code and Nostalgia are great games, but I'd love to see the team unleashed on FFV.

( Edited 01.04.2010 00:58 by jesusraz )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Sjorleik (guest) 01.04.2010#20

cool april fool bro

( Edited 17.08.2013 19:12 by Guest )

...what a nice april fools joke......Smilie....but....>_< would be right?...i mean this is an exclusive to and why would they do this?...

I like how this April Fools joke wasn't designed for C3 members, but was designed to draw as many new people to the site as possible. Look how many newborns and guests have posted on this news!


ragglraggle (guest) 01.04.2010#24

april fools jokes isnt very clever

ShawnS (guest) 01.04.2010#25


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