Maple Story & Nintendo DSi Korean Combo

By Adam Riley 29.03.2010 3

Maple Story & Nintendo DSi Korean Combo on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo and Nexon have confirmed that Maple Story is to launch alongside the DSi system in South Korea. Following on from the massive success of the Nintendo DS Lite, with over three million systems sold in three years, easily making it the most successful non-PC gaming platform on the market, Nintendo has decided to finally roll out the DSi on 15th April. Rather than make it a muted launch, though, considering what many would call the 'big guns' (Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver) already hit Korea late last year, Nintendo has reminded everyone about its deal with Nexon Corporation for the DS-exclusive edition of immensely popular MMORPG Maple Story, as well as launching it with a special, limited edition red version of the DSi that has small versions of the game's characters emblazoned around the external camera eye.

Whilst not online like its PC big brother, nor multiplayer, Maple Story DS will still link up with the PC edition via special codes that unlock virtual items in the PC game. For those interested mainly in this new DS version, though, here is what can be expected: an action RPG featuring based on the online edition of Maple Story that has been co-developed with Nintendo and requires players to work through a mysterious story with four types of hero - archers, thieves, warriors and wizards, each of which use different types of weapon and storyline, meaning there are four ways to play through the entire game. Nintendo and Nexon have tried to not only make this a long-lasting experience, but one that can also be easily accessible to all demographics.

This in-depth one-player experience will be heading to South Korea on 15th April, but as confirmed by Nexon America's Daniel Kim, there is still no indication as to when Nexon's most well-known franchise will arrive in the West:

What do you think about MMOs on the console? Do you think that that's every going to be a reality for Nexon? Only a couple of companies have tried to do it, and it's been okay for them.

Daniel Kim: ...Actually, for Nintendo, Maple Story DS is I think launching some time this spring, but that's a Korean version only, so we'll see. There's some projects that are in the R&D space for us right now, but for us here in the U.S. in North America, our focus is definitely on expanding our business in the PC space.

No plans to release MapleStory DS in the U.S. yet?

Daniel Kim: Not yet. Not yet.

Spending actual money and launching an actual DS game in Korea is a very risky venture financially.

Daniel Kim: Yeah. Actually, it's a joint venture with Nintendo. They really wanted to have a premiere title for the Korean market, and Maple Story, our IP, is one of the strongest. That's why they wanted to partner with us.

Early footage of the game can be seen from this video back in 2007.

Is it disappointing that Maple Story DS not only is not online, but does not even feature any multiplayer content? Are gamers eager to see this released outside of Korea or has the wait been too long?

Box art for MapleStory DS
Also known as

Maple Story DS






Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (286 Votes)

European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Our member of the week

We'd have to actually see more of the game :

-how it looks on a such low-res screen (a drop from 800x600 to 256x192 is bound to brng some changes to the interface which takes a lot of space on the PC version), and the game must have changed of lot from what the old video from 2007 shows.

-what it has to offer : No online ? The quests had better be interesting, they usually aren't that much in PC mmorpgs already (especially in Maple Story where it's "collect 999 of this + 500 of that"... meh) so now if you remove the online factor, i suppose you can expect at the very least local multiplayer (and there's hope that Korean geniuses will start taking up the flame and start working on DS Wi-Fi tunneling, which is still not available on DS while it has been for a long time on PSP).

It's hard to judge from the few informations we've had so far. I actually thought this game had been cancelled, since it's been so long since we heard of it.

( Edited 29.03.2010 10:21 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Mika-yellow (guest) 25.08.2010#2

SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie I hope it goes to the US soon SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

asdads (guest) 24.03.2012#3

can u change the languages in MapleStory dsi
cause i can get it but i don't really know korean

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