Epic Mickey May Go Multiplatform

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.02.2010 38

Epic Mickey May Go Multiplatform on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Disney's Epic Mickey, currently a Wii exclusive, may head to other formats in the future in the advent of other motion controllers.

Warren Spector's unique take on the whole Mickey Mouse concept is being carefully painted for Nintendo's wide-audience control, the main reason being the Wii Remote's use to literally paint things in the game. It's "completely intuitive to people", said Disney's Graham Hopper in a discussion with Gamasutra, though if the studio had started later then they may have considered their options differently.

We have a very large audience base that has Wiis in their home. That's not to say that we won't go to other platforms [in the future].

On a related note, Hopper was quizzed on the constantly demanded Kingdom Hearts III, refusing to comment. He did acknowledge that the franchise as a whole is doing well, and that Disney are using lessons learnt from the success of the series to fuel Epic Mickey development.

Box art for Disney Epic Mickey

Junction Point




3D Platformer



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Releasing games on other consoles is also quite a lot about gamers rather that business though. Some games are released on other consoles even though the demographic doesn't match. Example. Why was No More Heroes ported and almost fully remade on 360 when the 360 version will never leave Japan? For a few fans. That's not a business decision, and if it was it's one of the worst business decisions I've ever heard about.

So yes, my point is that "fairness" is also on the mind of the developers from time to time. Any reason Disney have for porting Epic Mickey to other systems is "fairness", so more hardcore gamers can play a great game. Disney have shown they favour the Wii, it suits their demographic excellently, reintroducing Mickey as a respectable hero.

I'll be fair, Wii owners got Dead Rising and Modern Warfare, but we still want Street Fighter IV and Resident Evil 5 after all these years Capcom Smilie still at the moment Wii seems to be losing a lot of exclusives, what Kafei said is true, the PS2 announcement for RE4 severely blunted the game's overall sales too.

Yeah, I probably shouldn't let myself get bothered, considering I own every console of the generation, but I just don't want Wii owners getting less decent games than everyone else.

( Edited 19.02.2010 18:35 by Lyra )

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Lyra said:

Yeah, I probably shouldn't let myself get bothered, considering I own every console of the generation, but I just don't want Wii owners getting less decent games than everyone else.

AWWWW!!! ^_^ That's pretty admirable! You sound like a good person. I'm not being sarcastic either.

Diablo II
"I'll make weapons from your bones!" - The Smith Paladin: I will cleanse this wilderness. Deckard Cain: Stay a while and listen!

Teetrab said:
AWWWW!!! ^_^ That's pretty admirable! You sound like a good person. I'm not being sarcastic either.

I don't believe you ;-;

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Really you should! Smilie
I'm being sincere. I put that in because without it, it would seem very sarcastic. I always do that >_<.

Diablo II
"I'll make weapons from your bones!" - The Smith Paladin: I will cleanse this wilderness. Deckard Cain: Stay a while and listen!

Teetrab said:
Really you should! Smilie
I'm being sincere. I put that in because without it, it would seem very sarcastic. I always do that >_<.

OK I'll take your word for it.
Imo it would look less sarcastic without them Smilie

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Well, we're in disagreement then. I really couldn't care less what consoles a game is available, so long as it's available for a console I own. It just seems irrelevant that the game is available for something else. Why should I care about that?

Martin_ said:
Well, we're in disagreement then. I really couldn't care less what consoles a game is available, so long as it's available for a console I own. It just seems irrelevant that the game is available for something else. Why should I care about that?

Because you've lost your heart Martin. You've lost your heart.

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I lost my fart.

darkflame (guest) 20.02.2010#34

I dont see how this could work with Natal anyway.
You can point and move at the same time with that thing...not unless microsoft release's something like the nunchuck.

Why would they need a nunchuk when the 360 has it's own controller?

Also Martin had a heart? that's news to me. See my sig.

Lyra said:
Simez said:
Judging by what I've seen SO FAR (as of now) ...Jealous of what?

Come on, last year you were pretty hyped about it, what sounds so bad about it to you? Graphically it's not amazing, but what you can do sounds awesome.

Have you already forgotten the things we know about it?
Besides, this is Warren Spector, when has he ever made something "average"?

Lyra said:
Simez said:
Judging by what I've seen SO FAR (as of now) ...Jealous of what?

Come on, last year you were pretty hyped about it, what sounds so bad about it to you?

Have you already forgotten the things we know about it?
Besides, this is Warren Spector, when has he ever made something "average"?

Don't get me wrong I am still hyped. I just remember seeing all the original artwork, and then seeing the dumbed down concept art when it became exclusive. Why not push for the original concept art, even on Wii?

Simez said:
Don't get me wrong I am still hyped. I just remember seeing all the original artwork, and then seeing the dumbed down concept art when it became exclusive. Why not push for the original concept art, even on Wii?

He already said multiple times that we've hardly seen anything yet. The creepily robotic friends are still there, the phantom blot is still there.

The original concept art likely would have been the same for every release; it was early concept art, and concept art means it's like, in the conception stage.
I think it's pretty harsh to base your opinions on one stage comparing it with potentially ancient concept art.

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nash (guest) 21.02.2010#38

i rate it ......... drum roooooooooll a .........0

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