Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Confirmed for WiiWare

By Joshua Callum Jeffery 04.02.2010 48

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Confirmed for WiiWare on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 has been revealed to the world. The game, planned as a comeback of old-school Sonic, was previously codenamed Project Needlemouse and is a platformer based on a 2D plane with 3D models. A teaser trailer and an interview about the download-exclusive game now known as Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 are now online, with more information soon to come.

You can view the trailer for the HD versions below:

Despite past rumours, Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 and its follow up episodes will indeed be heading to WiiWare, running in full 480p, whereas its counterparts on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 will be running at 1080p. Other than those differences however, SEGA intend all versions of the game to be given the same treatment, much like Sonic and SEGA All-Stars Racing.

Sonic will use his Spin Dash and Homing Attack to blast through a series of Zones inspired by the original Mega Drive titles. The game's storyline will continue directly from the end of Sonic 3 & Knuckles; after destroying the Death Egg and saving Angel Island, Sonic is taking a well-earned holiday exploring a new territory...until Dr. Robotnik/Eggman reveals himself as a fellow survivor of the previous battle and launches a new assault, pulling Sonic right out of relaxation and into retaliation. Special stages will be making a return, and completed levels will be selectable directly from the main menu so that you can play your favourite sections again and again.

For those dying to know more, here are a few snippets from Gamespot's interview with Sega's Ken Balough.

GS: The subtitle is Episode 1. Does this mean it's episodic content?

KB: As mentioned, I think the best way to view it is as a first part in a much larger adventure. When Sega released Sonic 3, ultimately it was the part 1 of a story that saw its conclusion in Sonic & Knuckles. In that same spirit, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 is a bigger story, and this is that first chapter. I think it's also safe to say that by the end of the episode one, fans will be very excited to see what's in store for episode two!

GS: Why did you decide to make this a downloadable title?

KB: In recent years, we've seen a huge surge of classic game properties making a return in this arena. [Downloadable] games offer players a chance to play terrific games without breaking the bank. It's also a promise to Sonic fans. We're going to deliver a Genesis-era Sonic game as if it were created today that goes to the core of what classic Sonic fans desire. This means [the fan] gets to judge us on our work each step of the way, and we plan on delivering that goal in a big way.

GS: Will there be any differences between the different versions? That is, will the Wii have motion control, or will the PS3 and 360 run at 1080p?

KB: For all intents and purposes, the games are designed to be identical. There are a few differences per what each console can output visually: Wii will be at 480p, while the XBLA and PSN versions will run at 1080p. However, for certain areas of the game, the Wii will be able to use motion control, and the PS3 will be able to use the Sixaxis.

Be sure to read the full interview over at Gamespot, as there are lots of interesting bits for anyone excited about the game.

With a clean mix of 2D and 3D visuals, and the music grounded in the 16-bit era, Sonic 4 could either make or break Sonic's big return to gaming gold. Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 will be hitting download services this summer, and you can also follow the game on the official website.

Are you excited for Sonic 4? Do you believe it will truly live up to the Mega Drive classics? Discuss your thoughts below...

Box art for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I





2D Platformer



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For once I'm actually excited about a Sonic game *Shock Horror* From that trailer, it looks like I need to change my underwear.

hope we see a bit more they didt really show that much but looking like sonic first step to a come back

I still remember when sonic 1 was new :3 I want to get this and feel like no time has passed!

The graphics look like Yoshi's Story on speed. While I like the backgrounds, the models look very awkward and nag nag nag. I wanted hand drawn sprites with out-of-this-world animation dammit.

Oh, and don't make me say SEGA > Capcom/Nintendo, because I will. Infact I already said it.
Despite the irrefutable feeling of impending doom I get from Sonic games (and this), I can't help but be multiple times more excited than I ever was for MM9/10 or NSMBW.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Lol NSMBWii tested the waters for them. I got a feeling this could sell more specially on the Wii if released like NSMBWii in retail. Online only could really limit their numbers on how much could potentially be sold.

Screw the Wii version, I'll want 1080p Sonic with achievements.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Andrezao said:
Lol NSMBWii tested the waters for them. I got a feeling this could sell more specially on the Wii if released like NSMBWii in retail. Online only could really limit their numbers on how much could potentially be sold.

They've already doomed themselves, sales wise. However this was fully intentional.

KB: In recent years, we've seen a huge surge of classic game properties making a return in this arena. [Downloadable] games offer players a chance to play terrific games without breaking the bank. It's also a promise to Sonic fans. We're going to deliver a Genesis-era Sonic game as if it were created today that goes to the core of what classic Sonic fans desire. This means [the fan] gets to judge us on our work each step of the way, and we plan on delivering that goal in a big way.

They know they're appealing to a niche, any fragments of the old Sonic franchise who are still excited. Most Sonic fans will have easy access to the game as it's on every platform, the only difference is that it won't be appealing to a mainstream audience.

Also what Squidboy said. I'm just happy that Wii owners won't be missing out.

( Edited 04.02.2010 11:15 by Toon SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

@Toon SuperLink, amen brother.

@Andrezao, I just finished a report on 2D video games in the market, they tend to sell considerable better as downloads, world of goo for example only gain 2% of their sales from retail shelves, 60% of it was wiiware, the rest being steam and their own website.

@Squidboy, wat? it's the same game on all of them, the difference will be as big as a pin's head but whatever. And achivments? well let me know when you got them all so i can say "good for you" and not give a crap. :/

I find it strange how everyone is raving on about it and saying things like "This is what SEGA should have done years ago" and "This is how Sonic is meant to be" and also "New Sonic game in 'could be decent' shocker". The trailer shows about 3 seconds of footage and I could barley gather anything from it. The game could turn out awful.

2D doesn't automatically mean it going to be an amazing game.

I noticed that Sonic looks like he's walking with the ground sliding along underneath him :/.

Marzy said:
I find it strange how everyone is raving on about it and saying things like "This is what SEGA should have done years ago" and "This is how Sonic is meant to be" and also "New Sonic game in 'could be decent' shocker". The trailer shows about 3 seconds of footage and I could barley gather anything from it. The game could turn out awful.

2D doesn't automatically mean it going to be an amazing game.

Yeah, this, exactly this. Classic fans are poisoned by an image of Sonic, and if he matches this image he's automatically good, even if the game turns out to be the same as the tripe we've been getting for years.

However if it does turn out good (and tbh it's looking quite hopeful right now) it's automatically a NSMBW beater. Because 2D Sonic > 2D Mario.

it's the same game on all of them, the difference will be as big as a pin's head but whatever. And achivments? well let me know when you got them all so i can say "good for you" and not give a crap. :/

What's wrong with wanting the best version? Although I admit he didn't put it very nicely. Smilie

EDIT: Yeah Sonic's animation is easily the worst looking thing so far.

( Edited 04.02.2010 11:39 by Toon SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Shitty Sonic team strike again. Sonic's running animation is disgusting, it has lost all of it's charm.

Sega Team remain consistent in their continual destruction of all things that make Sonic cool.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Episodic is great. This is exactly the way to do it.
We can try it for cheap, see if we like it, and then demand can influence how long it goes on for Smilie

That said, Id be much happier if the SonicRush team was doing it. They had quality music and gameplay.
And..importantly...they tried to do new things within the 2D gameplay.

I dont buy the idea that things have to be absolutely like the old style to be good. Just because Sonics been disasterious in most of its 3D forms doesn't mean the other extream is needed.

oh and I want Sonic 2D in this style; <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Guest 04.02.2010#14

Meh, sonic was never great to begin with, and the footage from the trailer looks exactly like the sonic games I've played and despised. Mustachioed plumbers for the win.

Bastardman said:
Meh, sonic was never great to begin with, and the footage from the trailer looks exactly like the sonic games I've played and despised. Mustachioed plumbers for the win.

You're just jealous that you got NSMBW and Sonic fans may be getting something with actual new features. Maybe.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Maybe being the main word there. Ha! SL, you're in danger of exposing yourself as a slavering fanboySmilie There's no evidence to suggest this'll be anything other than NSMB. If it's as good as that, that'd be an achievement and a half! It's got a way to go yet though. I don't remember everyone commenting on the crapness of Mario's model and animation...Smilie

Less posty, more gamey.
Guest 04.02.2010#17

Toon SuperLink said:

You're just jealous that you got NSMBW and Sonic fans may be getting something with actual new features. Maybe.

Yeah shit, played it last night and an hour ago and it had so many lol moments again. Damnit, better get some Wii points soon.
When is this coming out?

( Edited 04.02.2010 15:04 by Bastardman )

The game hasn't released yet, this may not be the final version, infact theres alot not quite right about the clip. I also have a theroy that the graphics are going to be pre-rendered, for a 2D game, this would make whatever the console's output is virtually redundant.

dartmonkey said:
I don't remember everyone commenting on the crapness of Mario's model and animation...Smilie

I did.

Plus maybe is my disclaimer, because knowing Sonic Team there's a nice chance this will turn out tripe Smilie
And like I said, if this is NSMB, it'll still be better, because it's Sonic. But I'll probably still hate it for being exactly the same as a 20 year old game.

It's coming out this Summer sometime.

( Edited 04.02.2010 12:24 by Toon SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Sonic animation of'94 from sonic 3 is a hundred times better then how sonic runs in this new installment. 94 looks like he is running '10 looks like he is jogging a bit drunk.

Having said that Im interested. Shame it will only be 480p

I guessing they intentionally copied the Megaman 9 trailer?
The gameplay reminded me of Sonic Rush but worse but only because I don't like the way Sonic was running. It looks like he's been eating too many chili cheese dogs. =P
Also Episode 1? They're already thinking about milking the series?
Still looks decent though.

There is definitely a possibility of it going wrong, as with any game, but Sega's track record with Sonic in 2D is a lot better than its 3D attempts. Rush, Adventure and parts of Unleashed included.

I don't think it's necessarily the characters or story, but more so the glitches and difficult controls of some of the Sonic games that made them less than enjoyable to play - whereas Mario in 3D has near perfect control, camera and design.

But hey I'm sure it'll be decent, let's just wait and see - they do need to change the running animation though, he looks pretty stumbley - a bit like in Rush methinks (infact it looks very similar to Rush's running).

I'm excited for the game most definitely, they have loads of time to tune up and get it right, and by the sounds of things getting a lot of feedback from communities and fans who care - so hopefully this'll influence and tighten it all up.

( Edited 04.02.2010 13:59 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yeah, I echo most of the comments about Sonic's running. It just doesn't look like he's going fast, despite the clouds of dust trailing behind him. I'm not 100% keen on the 3D-ish model of Sonic in the trailer either.

But I am quite excited for this and will no doubt get the PS3 version(s).

Toon SuperLink said:
Bastardman said:
Meh, sonic was never great to begin with, and the footage from the trailer looks exactly like the sonic games I've played and despised. Mustachioed plumbers for the win.

You're just jealous that you got NSMBW and Sonic fans may be getting something with actual new features. Maybe.

Yes, because Sonic1>2>3>Knuckles really had massive new features between them.
Great games, but mostly it was just new maps+new character each game. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

I really hope that Tails and Knuckles are in the game. Smilie If this is really a true sequel to Sonic 3 then it'll seem like a big backwards step without them.

I also hope that each episode has at least 6 Zones. Smilie

The description on the official website mentions the 'super spin dash' and the 'homing attack'. Smilie

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