Mega Man 10 Confirmed for Wiiware

By Joshua Callum Jeffery 10.12.2009 8

Mega Man 10 Confirmed for Wiiware on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo Power's 250th issue isn't just celebrations, as there was a nice surprise tucked away inside for unsuspecting Mega Man fans. Now the first scan of the newly announced Mega Man 10 on Wiiware has been put on their website for the rest of the world to see.

In celebration of 22 years of the franchise, Capcom is developing the tenth entry into the classic series. Once again it will be 8-Bit retro goodness, with a new cast of Robot Masters to fight! Currently revealed is the ability to play as Proto Man from the start, as well as announcing the existence of a 3rd mystery playable character.

Whether the title will also be announced for the XBLA and PSN services in the future remains to be seen, but for now be sure to stick with C3 for more info.

Were you surprised by the announcement and will you be looking forward to the game's launch? Let us know below..

Thanks to GoNintendo for the tip!

Box art for Mega Man 10





2D Platformer



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and still no old school sonic game

loveing the art work

Jump_button said:
and still no old school sonic game

loveing the art work

This. Where the Hell is my Old school Sonic?

Andrezao said:
This. Where the Hell is my Old school Sonic?

I'm not sure you'll ever get it, but with any luck Needlemouse will turn out to be the next best thing.

Who am I kidding?

But in all honesty I would have been much more interested in Megaman 10 if it went for hand-drawn visuals.

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Lol Sheep Man.

For the Sonic Part- Depressing Ain't it. Smilie

Rush Adventure was ok, but... I think the Sonic team don't get it. RA was really fast but they need to do better level design, Like how Sonic 2 or even 1 was. Those were brilliant hence why Sonic and Mario use to compete in the same level but, Mario is just so ahead of Sonic in terms of everything nowadays.

I really hope Sonic could stand side by side with Mario in terms of greatness once more. Smilie

Sheep man eh? I think they might be running outta ideas XD
Still great news, was hoping for megaman x9 but never the less awesome news Smilie

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Meh, Mega Man 9 cost far too much for what it was (even without the premium expansions). Mega Man 10 is set to be just as much of a raw deal for anyone who buys it, so it can fuck off as far as I'm concerned. It should not cost as much as far more technically-accomplished games.

@Martin_: Really? 10 bucks is too much for a great retro-style game? I paid $50 back in the day for each of the Megaman NES releases so being able to enjoy Megaman 9 in Wiiware for $10+DLC is just great and the price is right.

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