Last Window DS - New Details

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.11.2009 4

Last Window DS - New Details on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

New details from Cing's sequel to Hotel Dusk have filtered through, revealing why the game is titled Last Window.

Revealed in a retailer listing last week, Last Window tells the tale of Kyle Hyde a year after the events in the original title. He's still lingering in 1980s Los Angeles, finding himself investigating the Cape West Apartments. The story itself will be standalone, though there will be references and connections with the previous occupants of Hotel Dusk.

As with the original it'll be highly dialogue and touch driven, presented in a similar way, this time revolving around a novel known as - you've guessed it, Last Window. Every checkpoint reached will unlock a new chapter in the novel, with how you've played the game - through decisions with other characters affecting the contents of the Last Window itself.

For those not bothered with Hyde's in-depth questioning, you'll also be able to ignore certain aspects of a conversation to skip through the story a little quicker, though ignoring too much may cause a game over.

Finally there'll be rumble pack support, likely to highlight clues/give additional tips.

Thanks to NeoGAF.

Box art for Last Window: The Secret of Cape West








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (5 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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But where does the rumble pack go in to on my DSi? Does it require spitting on it first?Smilie

Guest 15.11.2009#2

Finally there'll be rumble pack support, likely to highlight clues/give additional tips.

Yes sure. Nintendo knows their demographic for this game innit? Smilie

rootbeer (guest) 04.03.2010#3

Hotel Dusk was the best detective-y type game available for DS - I can't wait for Last Window to come out! Does anyone know when it will come to N. America?Smilie

samnot (guest) 04.04.2010#4

rootbeer (guest) said:
Does anyone know when it will come to N. America?Smilie

Dunno if it even will come out as English version, the company filed for bankruptcy on March 1, 2010... Smilie

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