Yggdra Unison Nintendo DS Trailer Revealed

By Adam Riley 21.10.2009 7

Yggdra Unison Nintendo DS Trailer Revealed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Following on from the successful release of Knights in the Nightmare on Nintendo DS, Japanese developer Sting (of Yggdra Union and Riviera fame, as well as previously working with Square Enix on Treasure Hunter G for the SNES) is gearing up to release Yggdra Unison: Seiken Buyuuden (Holy Sword War Tales) on the touch-screen portable on 3rd December, 2009 in Japan via publisher Atlus.

To help promote the game further, the company has released a new trailer showing off various aspects of the gameplay. Be sure to check it out below:

Would you like to see Atlus USA bring this over to the US in Spring 2010?

Box art for Yggdra Unison: Holy Sword Legends
Also known as

Yggdra Unison: Seiken Buyuuden









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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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I hate the promo Manga, never mind the rest of the game.

May you be in heaven for half an hour before the devil knows you are dead.
Guest 22.10.2009#3

Well, apart from the beautiful scenery I'm really glad I don't live in Japan.
Hearing a voice like that is fun for a couple of years, but now it just gets on my moobs. Imagine watching tv there: 'Ot-Ohhhhh! WatabEEEEHH! Shi-nanko kulubitturuu!' I would go nuts I think.Smilie

I almost want to give this a shot just knowing they had a hand in Treasure Hunter G on the SNES. That was a really unique title.

But no, no I don't want this.

So is it some sort of RPG + RTS hybrid? Looks interesting. Knights in the Nightmare looked good, if intimidatingly complex, so these guys do know what they're doing. I wouldn't mind them bringing it over, though I'd wait on reviews before really considering buying it.

I like the artstyle but the gameplay looks a little dull. I doubt I'd buy it unless I were a fan of the series.

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I remember buying Yggdra Union on my honeymoon at the Virgin Megastore while in Orlando two years ago and this game seems like a nice off-shot from that. They're recycling most of the character art from the game but that's a plus for me since I loved it the 1st time around.

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