While it does say on the box that it won\'t work on the original DS and Lite, I don\'t think it\'s apparent enough to casual gamers and parents buying games for their kids.
People will immediately see the \"Nintendo DS\" logo on the left side of the box, but they may not notice the little \"i\" next to it.
I think perhaps DSi boxes should be in a different coloured case. A stand out colour. Aren\'t the DS boxes black in Japan? Then they should make them white or something. Perhaps also make the front cover bordered, like they do on Platinum PS2 games, with the main cover inside the border. Then on the border they can clearly put that this game only works on the DSi more noticeably.
I believe it does say something like \"DSi only\" on the box twice, but I just don\'t think the likes of some parents will notice this so much. They need to make them think, \"Wait, does my kid have a DS or a DSi?\".
Sure, it probably serves some people right if they are ignorant and just pick up anything with DS on it and expect it to work on their non-DSi. It will happen for sure. But I guess this is the risk Nintendo took when they decided to make DSi-only games.
( Edited 02.10.2009 15:57 by Crocomire )