Square Enix: Nintendo Wii Successor in 2011

By Adam Riley 21.09.2009 17

Square Enix: Nintendo Wii Successor in 2011 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix's President, Yoichi Wada, believes the successor to Wii will be released in 2011. According to a new report, Wada-san has said that he reckons that Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo's systems will all start tolook similar by the time 2011 comes around, since he believes Nintendo will unleash its upgraded Wii console in that year, whilst Sony and Microsoft merely tout new motion controls. He thinks the follow-up to Wii will include features currently found in the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, plus also potentially have a brand new controller to challenge what the competition is offering.

As for how well he thinks the PS3 Wand and Xbox Natal ideas will work out in the end, he states that both concepts will likely take centre-stage at the upcoming Tokyo Games Show, with Microsoft and Sony eager to steal some of Nintendo's limelight. Whether or not they are successful in doing so, however, is another matter. Talking to the Financial Times he said, "Present game machines already have a lot of functions: they are a network terminal, a Blu-ray or DVD player, and a gaming machine. Compared to these three pillars, the [new motion] controllers are quite limited, so the impact may be small."

Do you think the PS3 Wand and Xbox Natal will beat Wii, and will a Wii-2 be out by 2011?

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He owns a huge company that makes great games, he\'s a smart guy right? He can tell right?

If Nintendo don\'t make a Wii2 soon then they will not be a huge company that makes great games, they will be a huge company that makes great last gen games >:

( Edited 21.09.2009 13:26 by SuperLink )

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I don\'t think it will. I doubt anyone is ready for a new console so soon and I doubt it would sell very well. I know I wouldn\'t buy one that soon.

I don\'t think it\'s going to happen.

( Edited 21.09.2009 13:50 by Marzy )

By the time 2011 rolls around, Wii will have been about for 4 - 5 years, depending on what time in the year it's released. Sounds about right to me, actually; while they have the market, Wii will become an increasingly difficult sell against HD systems that also have motion. I can see an iPod style upgrade happening by then, with past games still compatible with the new system, possibly with developers able to support the specifications for the old system for cheaper titles.

It makes sense to me as one type of consumer. Im ready to buy a PS3 now. Its looking really attractive. THe console will now fit on my TV stand, I have recently bought a new bravia 40inch and have never experienced HD in any format. If the wand comes out and at least a few devs make some decent games well thats me sold plus; the back catalogue is very high class. MGS, LBP, RE5, Uncharted, bioshock orange box(would totally rock with a wii remote)

4yrs in and Im finding it hard to look past the ugly textures.

Final thought: wii2 needs to support unreal engine so we get more third paty support.

( Edited 21.09.2009 14:20 by meeto_0 )

The Sony Wand looks and sounds like a "personal massager," and Natal reminds me of horrible memories of the Sega Activator and Eternal Champions.

What will it be, Wii HD, or Yuu?

I want a totally new console, not a HD upgrade.

I know that I still want a few more years with my Wii. I\'d be more willing to upgrade if current accessories (remotes, motion+, etc.) were fully compatible.

Also, if they were going to release a brand new console in Fall 2011, they would have to begin the process of showing it off by next E3.

I know that 5 years has always been the usual lifespan of consoles, but for some reason it just seems too short this time around. Of course, there are still 2 more years to go, so my opinion may change, but it just seems like Wii\'s full potential is only about to be reached.

( Edited 21.09.2009 16:12 by Sonic_13 )

It certainly doesn't seem implausible. Then again, most attempts to analyze or predict Nintendo in the past have failed miserably. So I'd take any prediction like this with a grain of salt.
Of course, if the presidents of two major third-party publishers (Ubisoft and Square Enix) both predict virtually the same thing... well, there's gotta be some hope in that.

I think wiis potential could suffer if sony and microsofts peripherals work as promised. Its not as if wii has the jump when it comes to third parties being really comfortable with the wii platform. Most havent put out a single piece of note worthy software so its quite even ground. Take two have already commented that they have dev kits and teams are working out what will work.

Worst case scenario: You have 3 consoles with motion control but one doesnt even run 720p and might not even be the cheapest. Its motion control may be the weakest tech wise. (the unsyncing in GST is frustrating in long rallies) And third party devs may put out more FPS third person games with motion control on the other two platforms.

I don't like the idea of completely eliminating the use of a controller, I just need something that has buttons and I hope Nintendo do not do that. Nintendo obviously have to step thier game up in the HD world. I mean the next phase of HD is coming really soon, 2160p or something. My guess is Nintendo will come last gen again in the next generation console. They will have HD, it will just be 720p. Smilie

Irfy said:
I don't like the idea of completely eliminating the use of a controller, I just need something that has buttons and I hope Nintendo do not do that. Nintendo obviously have to step thier game up in the HD world. I mean the next phase of HD is coming really soon, 2160p or something. My guess is Nintendo will come last gen again in the next generation console. They will have HD, it will just be 720p. Smilie

1080p isn't even mainstream yet. Sure Blu-ray has it, but not a single tv show airs in 1080p. Most, if not all, PS3 and Xbox360 games are not in 1080p either. It's going to be some time before 1080p is mainstream, let alone anything higher than that.

Marzy said:
I don't think it will. I doubt anyone is ready for a new console so soon and I doubt it would sell very well. I know I wouldn't buy one that soon.

I don't think it's going to happen.

Wii came out in 2006. If they leave it until Christmas 2011, that'll have been five years - the most common yardstick of video game console lifespan. Christmas 2011 isn't too soon. You wouldn't want it any earlier than that, and maybe 2012 would be better, but Xmas '11 would be fine and dandy.

I think Wii sucks balls. Big, vinegary, hairy balls. Or perhaps only one ball, like a eunuch? Anyway, it's a fucking rubbish console, and I can't wait for Nintendo to bin it and come out with a proper games machine. I miss Nintendo.

Yes, I miss the Nintendo that made great Mario, Zelda and Metroid games....ohç wait....
Interesting fact; Most people with HD consoles, havnt even got them outputting in HD.
Either they are still using SD TV\'s, or they havnt bothered using HDMI cables.

Another interesting fact (ok, this is more a guess on my part, but I\'m 99% sure its true); Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft havnt a clue when their next consoles will be, because they know their developers arnt even coming close to using the most from their hardware.

I want a totally new console, not a HD upgrade.

One without the other is totaly meaningless anyway.
If you got the Wii to output at HD, its framerate woul go down.
Id rather have smooth graphics then high-res anyways.

Personaly, Id want a massive upgrade, not just in power, but in terms of controll, feedback and inter-compatibility with a new portable system. Id also want head-tracking as standard. Thats worth more then even 3d/stero support. (its sooooo cool to look at your screen and it to be exactly like looking though a window).

I\'m prepared to wait 5 years, as I havnt seen the Wii used very well at all thus far. Adding more power wont help till they learnt how to use motion control WELL.

( Edited 22.09.2009 10:44 by Darkflame )

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Even if you play a PS3 or 360 game on a SD TV they sure look pretty. Few jaggies and lovely textures. It helps with the emmersion factor. Especially games built around the real world. We need it. Thats why all those FPS games: bioshock, farcry 2, orange box are not using the best control set up. Because they cant be easily ported. You either have a separate coding team to try and squeeze the wii to make an ugly jaggy replicate with too much detail (aka COD4) or you have to give the wii game a different art look. Either way its asking devs to spend money on two areas (graphics and control) on a console considered high risk for profit return.

( Edited 22.09.2009 11:01 by meeto_0 )

The Wii had a lot of great games... that all came out in the first year and a half. Since then, there's been one great game every few months or so. This isn't going to be competition for long, so I think they do need to step it up.
I'm not going to argue that graphics make the game. However, it would seem that this is the biggest thing holding developers back. They can make the same game with little effort for both PS3 and Xbox 360, but they almost have to make an entirely different game for the Wii. It becomes easier to just release the big game for the powerful consoles, and make some side story or minigame for Wii (and then we get shit like Darkside Chronicles and Dead Space Extraction.)
While it's a nice gesutre and it sometimes turns out decent games, it isn't a competetive move in the least. Right now, what are we looking forward to? A new Metroid, a new Mario, a new Zelda, sure... most aren't even on the horizon, though. And three games won't carry the system until the next generation comes out.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

Why would the market leader release a new console sooner than its competition? Has never happened before and I highly doubt it will ever happen. It's funny how people think that Wii is entirely made off motion controls and once competition will have released their answers to the Wii remote Wii will be doomed. Smilie Properly positioned soft sells consoles, and as of right now, neither Sony nor MS have anything with Wii Sports, Wii Fit... potential. Sony will be the first one, then MS and then Nintendo.

maeda said:
Why would the market leader release a new console sooner than its competition? Has never happened before and I highly doubt it will ever happen. It's funny how people think that Wii is entirely made off motion controls and once competition will have released their answers to the Wii remote Wii will be doomed. Smilie Properly positioned soft sells consoles, and as of right now, neither Sony nor MS have anything with Wii Sports, Wii Fit... potential. Sony will be the first one, then MS and then Nintendo.

I don't think we're talking an entirely new console, more like an upgraded Wii.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

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