Scribblenauts DS Translated into British English

By Adam Riley 15.09.2009 2

Scribblenauts DS Translated into British English on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Do you know your eggplant from your aubergine? How about your binky from your dummy? You may think you know your pants from your trousers but if you find yourself in the US, you'd be going for a very different look...

Fear not mistaken pants-over-trouser-wearers, as Scribblenauts developer, 5th Cell, has gone out of its way to localise the UK release of Scribblenauts to include words specifically for the UK market. Faucets, popsicles, sidewalks, diapers and, of course, the meaning mess that is football and soccer, will confuse British DS owners no more...Scribblenauts is a completely original gameplay experience that anyone can play, offering fun for all ages with two styles of gameplay across 220 levels.

Players use the DS touch-screen to help their character Maxwell acquire the Starite in each level by solving a series of puzzles armed with their stylus, notepad and imagination. Players jot down the word for any object that comes to mind in order to reach the goal. Every object behaves as it would in the real world, and players can combine countless objects to create completely new scenarios. Every level has more than one written object to use as a solution, opening up the game to endless replay.

Scribblenauts has won over 50 media awards to-date, including IGN's 'Best Overall Game of E3', Yahoo's 'Best of E3', GameSpy's 'Overall Best Game of E3' and GameSpot's 'E3 Editor's Choice Award'. The UK localised version of Scribblenauts will be published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for DS on 9th October 2009.

Box art for Scribblenauts

5th Cell


Warner Bros.


2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (2 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Good. I'm glad they've made the effort.

They should make a Aussie english version, just add "fucken" in front of every word.
If you guys wonder Why I said that then just watch this: and this:
Now that is pure Aussieness. XD

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