Nintendo team with Aardman for Flipnote Creations

By Shane Jury 11.09.2009 3

Nintendo team with Aardman for Flipnote Creations on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Top Animation Studio Aardman Animations are teaming with Nintendo for a series of Flipnote Studio creations.

The Twelve Animations will be created by Tim Ruffle, and will run starting from next Wednesday on the Hatena site, all the way up to Christmas.

Ruffle had this to say;

I had a lot of fun making these. Flipnote is so simple to use that it's easy to make short, fun animations - but there's a surprising amount of features there too, meaning you can make your creations more complex as your confidence grows. Budding animators will find this a great way to get creative!

The first episode will be titled 'The Sandwich Twins' and will consist of new characters created exclusively for these clips, as will future episodes, so the chances of seeing Wallace and his long-suffering Hound are slim.

Will fellow C3 DSi Owners be checking out these clips, or trying their hand at some of their own?

Thanks to NintendoLife.

Box art for Flipnote Studio








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I look forward to seeing them. It should be good. Smilie

Awwww, I would love to see W&G. But still, that sounds pretty cool. The DSi is starting to sound increasingly attractive, though I'll still be waiting for a real killer app before I sink in the cash.

This should be good. Flipnote in the hands of talented people is simply awesome to watch.

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