Ghostfire Games Bring Gladiator Game to WiiWare

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.08.2009 11

Ghostfire Games Bring Gladiator Game to WiiWare on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ghostfire Games has revealed footage and screens from a new WiiWare brawler - Rage of the Gladiator.

From the creators of Helix, Rage of the Gladiator is described as a fantasy fighting game set in first person. Take control of a warrior fighting for his life with a magical warhammer and battle your way to victory. Features include customisable characters, 14 ott finisher moves, 3D environments and animations and 21 total battles to survive through.

More details and screens can be found over on the official website.

What do you think of Rage of the Gladiator?

Box art for Rage of the Gladiator








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wtf... he's fighting a ninjaSmilie

Hmm...not convinced by the first person perspective. However, these guys did a great job using the remote on Helix, IMO, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for now.

I read that this will use Wiimote in NES position. Like Punch Out.

I liked the idea on paper when I first read it, but then I watched the video and it looks like one of the most ass-ugly games I\'ve ever seen, never mind that the gameplay looks shallow and repetitive. I could be wrong about the latter part, but of the former, I\'m convinced. I\'ll most likely pass on this one.

( Edited 04.08.2009 20:51 by gatotsu911 )

Hey Guys --

Scott here, one of the developers for Rage of the Gladiator at Ghostfire Games.

I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about the game, or you can email me at [email protected]


Thanks Scott, its great your company is being so active in answering fan questions.
I wont post any myself, as I already did the same on IGN Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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gatotsu911 said:
I liked the idea on paper when I first read it, but then I watched the video and it looks like one of the most ass-ugly games I\'ve ever seen, never mind that the gameplay looks shallow and repetitive.

For a WiiWare game (of which can\'t be bigger than 40mb), it looks pretty good. The art direction might not be the best but that\'s because there\'s not you can do with a gladiator theme to make it look good. (gladiators suck! Smilie)

( Edited 04.08.2009 22:06 by wAyNe - sTaRT )

No, even for a WiiWare game it looks horrible. I cannot think of a single WiiWare title that looks as bad as this.

And yes, the art direction is horrid, and the painfully generic music isn\'t much better.

( Edited 04.08.2009 22:09 by gatotsu911 )

You should see Adventure Island (one of the ugliest games I have ever seen in recent times) or most of the family based games. Smilie

umm..guys, a producer from the game just posted above asking for questions. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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