Metroid-esque 2D Game for WiiWare

By Adam Riley 03.08.2009 5

Metroid-esque 2D Game for WiiWare on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nigoro, a division of Asterizm, has announced an all-new remade LA-MULANA, co-developed and published by Nicalis, to appear on WiiWare in late 2009. The original Windows version was inspired by the action-adventure games of the 1980s, coming with a visual style indicative of that era and being likened to Nintendo's early Metroid games. In contrast, the all-new remake of LA-MULANA features stunning new graphics and gameplay.

Sealed since long ago the ruins of LA-MULANA are yours to explore. Assume the role of famed archeologist, Dr. Lemeza Kosugi and uncover the remains of an ancient civilisation, the origin of man and all life as we know it. Developed in conjunction with Nicalis, Inc. the re-imagined LA-MULANA features a robust all-new game engine built specifically for LA-MULANA with vibrant hand-drawn artwork, original audio and special effects not seen in the original—which used a limited 16-colour palette.

Additionally, the new console version of LA-MULANA will expand the mysteries of the ruins with downloadable content support including new gameplay modes (such as Boss Rush), special stages and more. From Japan to China, Europe and North America, Nigoro has gained a wide audience. Fans all over world have experienced games designed by Nigoro.

We want to develop more games for consoles and bring back that 'excitement of classic games.' It's the concept for our games in the future, so thank you and bon appétit for the support!
- Shoji Nakamura of Nigoro.

We've been following the Internet chatter after our La-Mulana announcement. The reaction has been awesome and we're very excited about the reception from fans. Thank you! However, I want to address a fan concern that has been mentioned by blog commentators and some forums. The preview trailer [ see above ] we released is a Flash movie that was created for publicity purposes. Its speed is different from the actual speed on Wii. Don't worry, Lemeza's movements on the Wii are very fast! I think everyone will be pleased with the finished game. Please be patient and thank you for watching.
- Takumi Naramura, Director of La Mulana.

No price-point has been set yet, the release date is roughly set as 'November 2009' and the official website can be found here. Be sure to check out the first screens in the media folder below...

Box art for La-Mulana





2D Platformer



C3 Score

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (1 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Nice music. Reminds me on golden sun for some reason.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Hm I need to see more gameplay for I decide I won't buy it anyway.

he preview trailer [ see above ] we released is a Flash movie that was created for publicity purposes. Its speed is different from the actual speed on Wii. Don\'t worry, Lemeza\'s movements on the Wii are very fast! I think everyone will be pleased with the finished game. Please be patient and thank you for watching.

Phew! It looked waaay too slow in the trailer. I\'m glad the actual game will be much faster. Smilie

This\'ll be one to watch out for. I just hope a UK/European version isn\'t far behind. (if it\'s any good that is.) Smilie

( Edited 05.08.2009 09:51 by wAyNe - sTaRT )

Looking forward to the release... but first release Cave Story on Wiiware STAT.

Graphics looks like old Bitmap Brothers games on Amiga. And that's a compliment. It looks great imho.
I hope gameplay is good. I wouldn't mind buying that. I think I will.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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