The current trend for 'search and find' adventures pouring onto DS continues with Chronicles of Mystery. Ever since Nintendo helped to make the genre popular on its format with the DS release of Mystery Case Files: MillionHeir, developers have been scrambling around to port as many of the PC titles where items must be found around various stages in order to continue through the adventure as possible. Recently Mystery Stories has seen massive UK chart success on DS and Cate West from Oxygen will launch on both DS and Wii in the near future. In addition to this, though, is an intriguing title called 'Chronicles of Mystery: Curse of the Ancient Temple' from City Interactive, which is on its way later this year, and mixes in touch-screen related puzzles and riddles to spice matters up. The game stems from PC games Chronicles of Mystery: The Scorpio Ritual.
Check out the first trailer below:
Are readers pleased to see more of this genre on DS, or are they growing tiresome now?