Monster Hunter 3 Ships over 1 Million

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.07.2009 4

Monster Hunter 3 Ships over 1 Million on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Monster Hunter and Japan go together like, well, Mario and Peach and so shipment figures has already topped 1 million units.

Japanese fans have raided stores and torn up their internet providers to bag a copy, and it looks like Capcom are more than happy to provide. As well as the standard Monster Hunter experience and gorgeous visuals, players can leap online in a new arena battle mode and play split-screen.

Thanks to Capcom Unity Blog.

Box art for Monster Hunter Tri








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Remember this is only the shipment. Doesn't mean it will sell a million copies...

True, but I doubt, that Capcom would provide that much if they weren't sure to sell these copies very, very fast.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Course it's gonna sell a million.

I am just glad that a popular 3rd Party Franchise is having success on the Wii. We need more of this.

Either that or I just need to buy 10 copies of No More Heroes 2.

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