Dead Space: Extraction Rated 18, May Go Multiplatform

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.07.2009 8

Dead Space: Extraction Rated 18, May Go Multiplatform on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The British Board of Film Classification has rated EA's Wii-exclusive Dead Space prequel an 18+.

The listing comfirms that the title will ship as a mature/adult title, described as containing "strong bloody violence and strong language", fortunately with no cuts made.

There's also a heap of cutscenes/linear content, totalling up to 117m 37s - given the game is on rails it's uncertain whether it takes this aspect into account.

Thanks to GoNintendo.

We did say Wii-exclusive, however according to producer Steve Papoutsis at Comic Con last week - "Right now it's exclusively to the Nintendo Wii, but that's an interesting question."

Will you be buying Dead Space: Extraction when it comes out later this year? Do you feel it should remain exclusive to Wii?

Box art for Dead Space: Extraction








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Hm doesn't Nintendo ban Adult Only games? I assume this isn't one of those cases.

Thats a myth, untrue for decades.
In fact, in recent years, they have had less censorship then then their competitors.

Retailers in the US, however, often dont stock adult game titles.

( Edited 27.07.2009 16:34 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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EA + Dead Space should give it decent retail exposure methinks, should do pretty well. That said the 18-rating may just dent some of its sales, it should be 15 really.

Nintendo doesn't ban Adult Only/mature games, but it seems as if it's harder to get those mature labels onto the Wii, and especially onto the DS.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

In the UK, bbfc ratings of 18 are perfectly fine. In the US however, an AO rating (adults only 18+) would be bad to get as shops refuse to sell them. A bit stupid considering M rated games (17+) are perfectly normal.

Silly people. "oh no a game for 18 year olds, burn it!! now, lets go home and play a game for 17 year olds."

Nintendo owns the market when it comes to onrails... And that probably will not change for this generation.

Rather it was a PG and you could control your character. I wouldnt buy this if it was R18 and I had to buy it from my local porn shop.

Looking forward to it, looking slightly better than Darkside chronicles.

Also Nintendo/Sony/MS all don't allow Adult Only games in america. Retailers over there don't stock them either, even though it's like an age difference of 1 year from the mature rating Smilie

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I believe all three companies (Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft) disallow AO rated games on their systems.

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