EA Reveal FIFA 10 Wii Screenshots

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.07.2009 8

EA Reveal FIFA 10 Wii Screenshots on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

EA have booted up new screens from the Wii edition of next year's FIFA, with its own unique graphical style.

Unlike the higher res, sweat-stained bigger brothers, EA are following a similar approach to Grand Slam Tennis with a unique cell-shaded look. As well as the usual control and gameplay system revisions EA are focusing on improving online play with better connection rates.

Image for EA Reveal FIFA 10 Wii Screenshots

FIFA 10 is due for release on 2nd October 2009.

Box art for FIFA 10








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It looks naf...yay. Not a fan of this 'crap' style EA are seemingly intent on following.

( Edited 22.08.2012 22:26 by )

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

Yeah I wouldn't call that cell-shaded... lol.

Tis pretty good imo - quite like this style, in some ways these renders look a lot more "real" than the regular FIFA - you can tell who's who straight away, where as in the more realistic ones they tend to be a lot more plastic/lifeless.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I don't even recognise most of their faces, the most obvious ones to me are Rooney and Ronaldinho (two of the most over-rated players in the world).

Still, I uess in motion it looks alot cleaner than the 'realistic' look on the past Wii versions.

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jb said:
you can tell who's who straight away, where as in the more realistic ones they tend to be a lot more plastic/lifeless.

You can? I can probably get about half of those faces in that collage of the damned type thing...

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

That looks great - I by far favour this stylistic approach over realism on Wii.

Not a Soccor fan but looks sweet

I..I can't watch porn. My Mommy finds out

If you want the real Fifa experience the PS3/36 versions is what you'll go for so the stylised look here is superb, sets it apart and let's it be a bit more distant from it's bigger brothers.

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