Pokémon Gold and Silver DS Remakes Confirmed

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.05.2009 60

Pokémon Gold and Silver DS Remakes Confirmed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

As previously speculated, Nintendo will be bringing back fan-favourite Pokémon Gold and Silver via a remake on the DS.

It was hinted during last week's Pokémon Sunday TV program, and now it's become official. The pair will be known as Pokémon Heart Gold and Pokémon Soul Silver, due for a winter 2009 release in Japan.

Expect the locations and characters you loved, redesigned using the Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum engine, perhaps with a few surprises along the way.

Image for Pokémon Gold and Silver DS Remakes Confirmed

Thanks to Joystiq, C3 reader linkman26.


Pokémon Sunday has revealed the first brief footage of Pokémon Heart Gold and Soul Silver, with a respectable nod towards Yellow (4:18 - 4:32).

More information on the two games is expected via Coro Coro Magazine later today. Stick with C3 for updates.

Box art for Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver

Game Freak




Turn Based RPG



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I didt buy any of the other remake of pokemon but this one i will

I don't have a DS yet. I just started Ruby/Sapphire on the AGB.

Maybe I'll get these games cheap one day.

Heart Gold will be mine. Smilie

I\'m definately going to get Soul Silver Version, after my silver version decided to dry the memory out and never let me save again, this\'ll be a welcome addition to my Pokemon collection.

( Edited 08.05.2009 10:03 by Stulaw )

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Sweet! What easters eggs do you have for us this time Pokemon? Heart Gold, your mine!

I'll be gettin' Soul Silver.

Awesome awesome awesome Smilie

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I wounder how the trading will work with the newer pokemon

originaljohn said:
I wounder how the trading will work with the newer pokemon

You need to get the National Dex before you trade with Sinnoh or Hoenn, most likely.

- Kris (female trainer) is redesigned, or called something else
- Lack of Crystal stuff, as there probably won't be a third game
- No Kanto
- Shitty Kanto music like last time

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Hopefully they keep all that was goo about G/S (the two regions) intact and improve on it. G/S was definity my favourite in the series and can't wait to replay it with all the improvements.

These were my favorite Pokemon games! Sptring 2010 is sooooo far!

tiamat1990 said:
Spring 2010 is sooooo far!

New Pokémon games, Final Fantasy XIII, it's already looking pretty damn good.

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OMG Smilie I knew it was coming but it still feels great to get confirmation. I haven't been this excited about a Pokemon game since I first saw screenshots of Ruby/Sapphire. Smilie

It'll be Soul Silver for me as I like Lugia better. Smilie

Gold it will be for me. Ho-oh at lvl. 40 and Lugia at lvl. 70. They may keep Kanto in it 'cause that's where you get the other wing to get Lugia/Ho-oh.

That's true. Also Mt Silver will feel... pretty non-special really.

If Kanto returns then maybe we'll get 2 pages of badges on the Trainer card, unlike last time where it only showed Johto badges.

Really looking forward to seeing the Johto and Kanto Gym Leaders again in DS spritey goodness. Hopefully there will be Trainer animations too like in Platinum.

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SuperLink said:
tiamat1990 said:
Spring 2010 is sooooo far!

New Pokémon games, Final Fantasy XIII, it's already looking pretty damn good.

Smilie if you inport FFxiii

Jump_button said:
Smilie if you inport FFxiii

Nope, FFXIII is coming out in Japan this winter. Most people reckon a Spring release for US/EU isn't a bad guess.

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As last time Silver is the one for me!

Can't fucking wait!!!!!

Best pokemon news since misty came out as a lesibian!!!!!



I seriously think they'll keep Kanto in it, there'd be outrage if they didn't. And there's no real reason to remove it, other than laziness. Want I'm hoping for is that they add in Hoenn too...doubt it'll happen though. Smilie

Heh, I know a few people who now want DS's just for when this comes out. XD

Birdo Is A Tranny said:
Best pokemon news since misty came out as a lesibian!!!!!


Didn\'t you see her go on record to deny that? Gawd Slowpoke Smilie The media believe anything Brock says about her since apparantly they\'re close friends.

Sabrina and Erika already filed for restraining orders on him.

( Edited 08.05.2009 17:14 by SuperLink )

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~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~


Heart Gold is for me! (will be for both the DSi and DSlite!)

Seriously, I have a soundless version of pokemon gold on my mobile. Pokemon Gold and Silver were the best games before the GBA and DS era!

Onwards, TO NOWHERE! Proud owner of Farming Simulator 2013.

Heck yes! Pretty stoked for this, the Jhoto games were my favorite generation.

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.
Our member of the week

Johto + Kanto ... Johto + Kanto ... Johto + Kanto ... Johto + Kanto ... Johto + Kanto ... Johto + Kanto ... Johto + Kanto ... Johto + Kanto ... Johto + Kanto ...

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Why are people speculating that they're gonna take Kanto out? Why would they call it a remake if something that made the original stand out wasn't there?

I think they might also add the Rainbow islands, and maybe even some newer islands. Atleast the whirl islands won't have such dark caves it'll be almost impossible to see where to go this time.

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NNID: Stulaw

Stulaw said:
Why are people speculating that they're gonna take Kanto out? Why would they call it a remake if something that made the original stand out wasn't there?

Mainly because none of the games since then have had 2 regions, it's almost like they thought they were being too nice to us.

Suddenly after 10 years they're going to remake a game that even overshadows Gen IV? I don't really see them wanting to show how much bigger Gen II was compared to the "newest" gen, that's just me. I see them being really anal about it for some reason.

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