Star Fox Designer Says No to Wii Version

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.04.2009 73

Star Fox Designer Says No to Wii Version on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Q-Games founder Dylan Cuthbert recently spoke Star Fox, and it's pretty certain the studio won't be involved in another game for a while yet.

Cuthbert (originally of Argonaut Software) has worked on 3 of the titles that fans consider the better games of the series: Star Fox (Wing), Star Fox 64 (Lylat Wars) and the latest adventure for Fox McCloud and friends, Star Fox Command for DS.

A Wii version should be on the way, but from the sounds of things - not from Cuthbert and his team. In an interview with G4, he reveals that personally the Wii is "a bit more of a toy" for him, and that Wii remote would be "a bit too hard to use", despite Nintendo already demonstrating it in action through Wario Ware.

He also takes a slight dig at Miyamoto with the Nintendo designer seemingly ignoring requests from fans and doing it his own way.

G4: Would you like to do another Star Fox game?

Dylan Cuthbert: (Laughter) After Command? Uhh, not yet. Maybe in another 10 years. I've made three.

G4: Well there hasn't been one for the Wii yet...

Cuthbert: The problem with that is that it'd be a big project, like 100 people on the staff. It's just not something we really want to do. I'm sure someone will make it. Maybe they'll go back to Namco.

G4: I hope not, personally. (laughs) I'd rather you did it.

Cuthbert: Well, maybe in the future, you never know. Star Fox is an interesting brand. It has a very hardcore audience. People like those furries a little too much. (laughs)

G4: Oh! People are going to love that quote. (laughs) I have to ask you, why do you think it was always difficult for developers when Fox got out of the Arwing. Fox is a pilot, but they'd always get him out of…like the tank, the tank was cool, but it still felt like an Arwing - Why do you think people wanted to take him out of being a pilot and have him run around on foot?

Cuthbert: I think that's all Miyamoto. Whenever I speak to Miyamoto about Star Fox, he says it's not meant to be just a flying, sci-fi shooting game. It's meant to be anything we want to think up. But the core fans don't want that, but Miyamoto doesn't really care about that. He wants to make what he wants to make, so he just goes ahead and gets it done.

Box art for Star Fox Command








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Well I really hope they dont make another star fox adventure. It was really boring. I just wasnt excited by it. Another N64 incarnation would be great.

Its a shame this guys seems so disinterested. Another developer that has had enough working with Nintendo?

As for miyamoto, as talented as he is. He is a bit like michael Jackson. Scared to grow up and get dirty. He bedroom is probably pink with fluffy animals and candy floss.

Miyamoto is becoming quite annoying recently - he's a great games designer but he really needs to try to understand his audience's requests and desires better.

New directions and gameplay is definitely a good thing, but in a series like Star Fox the core mechanics should be kept intact - but built around it. Assuault tried that, did a decent job of it, but it didn't come out as well as fans had hoped. DS one isn't too bad either - different - but a worthy Star Fox nontheless.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It should work with fox being on foot. It needs to be more arcady. Less massive world exploration. Because then it slows down too much and you have a disjointed tempo.
shoot out on foot with robots or other animal/alien life forms.

If they did do a starfox game miyamoto would probably insist on the dev holding the wiimote side ways and use motion controls. the better way would be analogue control with IR shooting.

( Edited 04.04.2009 10:31 by meeto_0 )


meeto_0 said:
If they did do a starfox game miyamoto would probably insist on the dev holding the wiimote side ways and use motion controls. the better way would be analogue control with IR shooting.

Definitely agree - remote would be good for IR shooting, and control using the analogue stick. Agree on the Arcade feel too - or at least have a dedicated Arcade mode if they want to have a proper story/expansive worlds to explore.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Link to the Past fans didn't want a 3D Zelda, but Miyamoto didn't really care about that. He wanted to make what he wanted to make, so he just went ahead and got it done. Ocarina of Time was amazing.

Ocarina of Time fans didn't want a cel-shaded Zelda, but Miyamoto didn't really care about that. He wanted to make what he wanted to make, so he just went ahead and got it done. The Wind Waker was wonderful.

Personally I loved Namco's game, and even though Namco smell pretty bad, I wouldn't mind them doing another StarFox.

Why does this guy seem to not care though?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

BarryH said:
Link to the Past fans didn\'t want a 3D Zelda, but Miyamoto didn\'t really care about that. He wanted to make what he wanted to make, so he just went ahead and got it done. Ocarina of Time was amazing.

Ocarina of Time fans didn\'t want a cel-shaded Zelda, but Miyamoto didn\'t really care about that. He wanted to make what he wanted to make, so he just went ahead and got it done. The Wind Waker was wonderful.

Ah, but that\'s different - for the most part that\'s visual style, but the core dungeon, sword/shield mechanic remains true so essentially players are still playing with the core formula - but presented differently.

SF Adventures/Assault pretty were both good games, but they shoved the core space combat to one side (there was pretty much little to none in both games), and that\'s not what fans seem to want.

I\'m all for bringing new gameplay styles into existing genres, but when you\'re pretty much shoving the core features to one side it\'s a little hard to accept.

Mario is a little different however - Nintendo have made traditional Marios (Galaxy/Sunshine to an extent) but also blended him in other genres (Paper Mario for example).

SuperLink said:
Personally I loved Namco\'s game, and even though Namco smell pretty bad, I wouldn\'t mind them doing another StarFox.

Why does this guy seem to not care though?

I think he *might* have a grudge - it sounds like he may have been a little disappointed Nintendo went to Rare / Namco Bandai for the GC Star Fox games. They did do the DS one though, so maybe he\'s just had enough ?

( Edited 04.04.2009 11:22 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Maybe he has; the DS one was pretty tedious. Nice visuals and story and all, but in a lot of ways, the multiple endings just said "the end, that's it."

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I personally think he's had enough of being told what to do, rather than being completely in control of the project. In a sense i can understand that from both parties, Nintendo trying to protect their franchise, and Q-games trying to create something original.

I believe that Arrogant orginally made a space shooter, it was nintendo that decided to put in furry creatures and stuff like that.

Command was pretty damn awful to be honest. I got bored after a few missions. Oh and yes, some of us fans really do like those furries too much Smilie

I guess too bad that Star Fox missed the Rare Boat that headed to Microsoft...

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...

I think some people forget that it's human beings who make games.
It just sounds like he is bored making starfox games, he is in a position where he dosn't have to make them, fucking fan demands lol.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Haha, even the traditional Nintendo devs don't like the Wii. Although I'm kinda annoyed that there won't be a Star Fox Wii, Im glad that the developer won't allot Greytendo to ruin the franchise.

Why do you assume this will mean no starfox on wii?

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

What Miyamoto said seems perfectly sensible to me.

I loved the Tank and Sub, and while the people didnt work as great, its nice to have diversity. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Damn, I\'m disappointed in Cuthbert. Ignorant.

Personally, I really enjoyed both StarFox Adventures and Assault. Despite Adventures being the less StarFox-like game in the series, it was a solid, very well crafted game and I thoroughly enjoyed it. While Assault wasn\'t quite as polished as Adventures I had a major blast with it too. Especially playing the multiplayer modes. Frankly, I thought both games kicked ass.

My only gripes with Assault were that the LAN functionality got dropped, there needed to be a much better sense of speed, and Nintendo & Namco-Bandai really should\'ve implemented a branching path mission structure like in the classics.

Also, I LOVED the open ended missions just as much as the corridor shooter missions. Being able to explore the huge environments on foot, in an Arwing and a Landmaster rocked, imho. The action was fast paced and frenetic and the multiplayer modes took it to the next level.

I know I\'ll get flak for this, but I really hope Ninty uses Assault\'s formula for the next installment on Wii. Wii\'s capabilities would work wonders for the StarFox franchise.

( Edited 04.04.2009 18:57 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

To paraphrase Charlie Chaplin, 'fans' don't know what they want. They're often closed-minded and unimaginative. They usually demand more of the same, then moan when they get it. Suggestions for sequels invariably revolve around co-op and 'more' of everything. Did any of you read the Twitter suggestions for Modern Warfare 2? A handful of decent considered suggestions were drowned out by "bigger mapss!!", "more guns" and "more perkss!!!1SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie"

People are stupid. They cry out for a 'realistic' Zelda, and moan when they get one. Miyamoto's instinct for Wind Waker was bang-on, as it is 90% of the time. Any other developer would kill for a hit-percentage like that. Let the man make his games.

Less posty, more gamey.

You need a star from every member of C3 for that one Mr Monkey. What did the fans want for Brawl? Just that, but we got it and everyone complains or is disappointed. Look what happened to New Super Mario Bros too.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
You need a star from every member of C3 for that one Mr Monkey. What did the fans want for Brawl? Just that, but we got it and everyone complains or is disappointed. Look what happened to New Super Mario Bros too.
Nah, I enjoyed the 'Realistic Zelda'.

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...

Nah, I enjoyed the \'Realistic Zelda\'.

I did too, but that\'s not the point, don\'t you know how many \"anti-fans\" TP has for being an OoT clone despite everyone asking for it since the Spaceworld Demo? Apparantly Zelda\'s as bad as Sonic now in the eyes of some people.

( Edited 04.04.2009 23:16 by SuperLink )

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I agree with dartmonkey. Sometimes even thought the public is good at recognizing something new and creative, most people just cling to it and are afraid to let creative minds take them in new directions.

I have to admit, I was disappointed with both of the Game Cube Star Fox games. I owned both and found them rather boring. I don't think it was wrong to try to incorporate exploration and story with the flying, but I just don't think it was handled very well. If you're going to put so much emphasis on story, it'd better be an interesting story that's well told and entertaining. I'll gladly welcome a mix of flying and exploration, but only if the gameplay mechanics and story are well balanced to keep things entertaining.

It's a shame that Cuthbert seems uninterested with Star Fox at the moment, although I can't say I blame him considering what happened on GCN. What's more disappointing is that the Wii is more of a "toy" to him than anything else. I mean personally I consider every console I've ever owned to be a toy, but he probably meant it differently. The controls shouldn't be an issue either. I agree with meeto_0. Analogue and IR could work really well. Plus they could always add classic control options.

SuperLink said:
Nah, I enjoyed the 'Realistic Zelda'.

I did too, but that's not the point, don't you know how many "anti-fans" TP has for being an OoT clone despite everyone asking for it since the Spaceworld Demo? Apparently Zelda's as bad as Sonic now in the eyes of some people.

I haven't really cared for those fans. As far as I know they're probably WW fans who prefer the cartoony style over the bit more realistic style of TP. And the reason for TP is because there were Zelda fans who hated the cartoony style of WW. To me that just says there is 2 types of Zelda Fans.

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...

I haven\'t really cared for those fans. As far as I know they\'re probably WW fans who prefer the cartoony style over the bit more realistic style of TP. And the reason for TP is because there were Zelda fans who hated the cartoony style of WW. To me that just says there is 2 types of Zelda Fans.

No it\'s not like that at all. When Wind Waker was announced, pretty much ever Zelda fan hated the idea and wanted a new game with the mature style of OoT, but when those gamers got that game they said it was too samey and complained about it.

Those fans very much exist. It\'s pretty much like artmonkey said.

EDIT: Speaking of CoOp, the CoOp in Wind Waker was fucking awesome.

( Edited 04.04.2009 23:44 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
I haven't really cared for those fans. As far as I know they're probably WW fans who prefer the cartoony style over the bit more realistic style of TP. And the reason for TP is because there were Zelda fans who hated the cartoony style of WW. To me that just says there is 2 types of Zelda Fans.

No it's not like that at all. When Wind Waker was announced, pretty much ever Zelda fan hated the idea and wanted a new game with the mature style of OoT, but when those gamers got that game they said it was too samey and complained about it.

Those fans very much exist. It's pretty much like artmonkey said.

And statistically how much of these fans exist? Because they sound like a very few. And if I look back at TP's Reception I find mostly good reviews & it sold well too.

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...

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