Rumour: Ocarina of Time Wii Remake?

By Shane Jury 30.03.2009 28

Rumour: Ocarina of Time Wii Remake? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In what looks set to be an early attempt at an April Fools, word has surfaced on a Zelda: Ocarina of Time Remake for Wii.

According to Gamefocus, the announcement of a full-blown remake of the classic Nintendo 64 title would be on April 5th, revealed to them via a 'Japanese Contact'.

Late last night, our Japanese contact over at Nintendo sent us word about something really exciting: a Wii remake of the one of the greatest N64 games ever produced: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. We were also told that an official announcement would be made around April 5, which is the North American launch of the Nintendo DSi.

While the whole announcement made us really excited, announcing the game alongside the launch of the DSi made us ask ourselves one question that went unanswered: Is it going to have some kind of DSi inter-connectivity?

Although a remake of the game isn't completely out of the question, one only has to look at the Virtual Console release of the original game, and the confirmation of a Nintendo team currently working on the next Wii Zelda, to doubt the validity of this article.

Would you like to see a Ocarina of Time reimagining soon, or indeed ever?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time





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They did this last year, remeber? zelda movie!

thats wierd. It seems this was posted the exact same time i heard about on N4G. When i heard i came straight here.

Has to be an April fools joke.

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Echoes221 said:
They did this last year, remeber? zelda movie!

All too well, that\'ll take some beating. Smilie

( Edited 30.03.2009 18:26 by Phoenixus )

all im saying now is I love to have one if it done well

with all the stuff they had plan for the N64DD remake was going to have

( Edited 30.03.2009 18:37 by Jump_button )

Wasn't the extra stuff from that version turned into the basis for Majora's Mask? Kinda like how the ideas for the two missing dungeons of The Wind Waker were used in Twilight Princess. Smilie

Phoenixus said:
Wasn't the extra stuff from that version turned into the basis for Majora's Mask? Kinda like how the ideas for the two missing dungeons of The Wind Waker were used in Twilight Princess. Smilie

they was going to add more characters Sheik and some other races like in Majora's Mask

How about a remake of the first 3 LoZ games on one disc instead? Smilie OoT doesn\'t need a remake, it\'s still excellent and already in 3D

( Edited 30.03.2009 19:22 by SuperLink )

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Wasn't the main complaint about TP was that it was too much like OoT, now they want to give us a wiimake of it.

I call April Fools, but if this is true, I won't be buying it.

I wouldn't mind it but it sounds like an april fools joke to me.

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It's that time of the year again...

But an OoT remake would be pretty cool... Though I'd prefer a 3D remake of ALttP Smilie

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

I don't think a new version should be made till Nintendo have a console that can do HD graphics, to put it bluntly. A version on Wii would be a waste of time, it would not provide a adequate step up over the original. If it is in the works, for Wii, it's nothing more than a show of desperation and a lack of creativity, when it's needed most at Nintendo right now.

I'm confident it is being made or at least the tech is ready, but I doubt it's for Wii.

Linkyshinks said:
I don't think a new version should be made till Nintendo have a console that can do HD graphics, to put it bluntly. A version on Wii would be a waste of time, it would not provide a adequate step up over the original. If it is in the works, for Wii, it's nothing more than a show of desperation and a lack of creativity, when it's needed most at Nintendo right now.

I'm confident it is being made or at least the tech is ready, but I doubt it's for Wii.

Wow you need to see some one about that IT NOT GOOD UNLESS IT IN HD!!! thing it not good for you

Come one that BS when next gen come around all them so call HD game will look not much better then any good looking wii games

Im sick of this Bs about HD games i can can still be fun HD or not

I don't believe anything this week. It's the start of april for crying out loud.

I don't think it would be fun anyway.

I still hope for a new wind waker. That would make me buy into it.

I know what you mean Jump, but I agree with LS on this one. The Wii isn't much more than the GC, and the visuals we can expect would be like Twilight Princess. It'd look nice, but only 2 gens after the original, not to mention both those gens look the same for Nintendo, it would be a waste of time. Besides, what can they do? Add a couple of new dungeons, add motion control, make the graphics >6th gen quality, orchestrate music (that's actually the best sounding improvement yet)

Basically, it would be a more worthy re-release if done on DS, or if Nintendo waited for a more powerful machine. A realistic Zelda like OoT may not be able to do the clean look Galaxy had, and it would look fantastic on better hardware. I wouldn't imagine Nintendo would waste their time on a remake noone wants.

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Already been done, it was a launch title.

I'd rather have a 2D (overhead perspective, with the game looking similar look to Wario Land: Shake It!) remake of Zelda 1 for WiiWare, and with maps in the pause menu. I'd buy it day one, and gift it to all of my friends.

A version on Wii would be a waste of time, it would not provide a adequate step up over the original. If it is in the works, for Wii, it's nothing more than a show of desperation and a lack of creativity,

..and yet adding/altering a line or two of code at the start to render a little higher is some how more creative :?

Personaly, I dont see the point of a remake period.
And waiting for better hardware just means more time and money will be wasted making the graphics nicer....manhours which could be spent actualy making gameplay.

Not that improved hardware will improve the graphics much beyond TP anyway. A little smoother textures here and there, some more follage...but not much more.
Nothing that needs significantly more power anyway.

I shudder to think of the hediousness of an over-realistic bump-mapped gears-of-war style Link.
Realism (looks like) it has destroyed the charms of BG&E, I dont want the same happening to Zelda, thanks very much. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Heck, what i wanna see is a real life looking Zelda game using the Quantum3 Engine from High Voltage now maybe that will look nice.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

Linkyshinks said:
I don't think a new version should be made till Nintendo have a console that can do HD graphics, to put it bluntly. A version on Wii would be a waste of time, it would not provide a adequate step up over the original. If it is in the works, for Wii, it's nothing more than a show of desperation and a lack of creativity, when it's needed most at Nintendo right now.

I'm confident it is being made or at least the tech is ready, but I doubt it's for Wii.

You are very misguided. Graphics are not the key to a good game. Since when does HD graphics mean creativity? There is no correlation.

Just look at Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask. They had similar graphics, but were very different games.
Nintendo has already gone on record saying that the next Zelda will be different from the traditional formula anyway.

Plus there is still so much more that can be done. A brand new story line, perhaps sword fighting with MotionPlus, orchestrated audio, as well as your improved visuals (Wii is capable of far beyond the GCN and Twilight Princess).

Everyone in the world seems to be like,

Well, a Link to the Past remake would be a lot better. There, I said it. Smilie

I don't know. This sounds legit.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

I'd prefer an original game. A very good one.
Twilight Princess was very good. But the series is almost becoming dated. The same items and temples over and over. (The ball and chain and spinner were cool, but they weren't series-changing effects.)

What might be cool is a remake that has Ocarina, with extra stuff, that leads straight into the Majora's Mask side of the story, also with extra stuff (it always bugged me that there was no Termina version of Zelda... don't they have a princess, too?)

That would be pretty cool.

NNID: crackedthesky
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Darkflame said:
..and yet adding/altering a line or two of code at the start to render a little higher is some how more creative :?

Personaly, I dont see the point of a remake period.

Seriously... a remake and creativity don\'t stand together for good. How can a remake be creative? I mean overly creative? drawing new textures and 2500 polygons more for the water temple per room or reshaping Link isn\'t what I call creativity. Heck, even with the limit creativity of Zelda, redoing the same game over and over again (don\'t get me wrong, I love this kind of \'rework\' and see OoT, Windwaker and TP as separate games which stand for themselves), a reshaping of an older Zelda isn\'t creativity. It\'s polishing an old master piece.

Darkflame said:
I shudder to think of the hediousness of an over-realistic bump-mapped gears-of-war style Link.
Realism (looks like) it has destroyed the charms of BG&E, I dont want the same happening to Zelda, thanks very much.

Yes, exactly! I love the TP-Link, but even he isn\'t that much realistic like PS3 or X360 can shape him. I would lose something when having an Advent Children like realistic Link or even a Gears of War Link. Pushing aside the wrongness of a cigar smoking, overmuscled Link with a Southern State US accent and a brain of a peanut opposite to the size of his... gun... ehm... ego!

TP-Link is a beauty, but so is OoT\'s Link.

Just play it again. You insert OoT into the console, go \'yuck, such ugly graphics!\', play it for 10 min and realise, that you render the quality of the graphic unimportant, even standing it to be great for the flow of the game and be lost in it\'s magic.
The same thing happened to me with TP, even if graphics where much more sophisticated (Link\'s face was a bit weird, thou).

And if you do a Zelda in \'Nextgen\', then you have to put a lot of money and effort into a game and to this day no single game has ever mastered the graphics of a character higher than the mark of \'nice puppet-looking face without emotion\' of it\'s main heroes, even Final Fantasy 13 looks this way. The effort you have to put into the last 10 % of making a character look realistic ist double the effort you put into the first 90 %. And that a Zelda doesn\'t need to be good. Ocarina of Time is already one of the best Games of all times until today.

/edit: by the way, I think this News is an April\'s fool. That\'s not the Nintendo way!

( Edited 31.03.2009 08:39 by Laurelin )

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Mostly agree with Darkflame too. While I would rather have a remake when a more impressive outcome is possible than a Wiimake, I generally don't like the idea of an OoT remake on anything other than a handheld.

To those saying realism would kill Zelda, look at games liek Ratchet and Clank, or Final Fantasy. They may not be perfect examples, but they show how an "HD game" can still capture the feel of the series. An HD Twilight Princess would probably just be an HD Twilight Princess, rather than Gears of Zelda

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Not only that, but a lot of the Zelda games have aimed for a specific graphical look. Wind Waker went cel-shaded to look like a cartoon, Twilight Princess was going for a manga-style look. Maybe the teamw ould want to go with an uber-realistic look for a game. I doubt they'd do it for the game afterward.

Look at the Spaceworld video. That looked amazing, and it was probably the most realistic-looking we've ever seen a Zelda. It wouldn't ruin the series. It would be a step in its current evolution. If they put out a Zelda that was reminiscent of, say, Shadow of the Colossus, I could live with that.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time is a classic!
But not just ANY classic!Smilie

It has been at the top spot of the list with the TOP 10 games of ALL TIME since its debut. It has been the basis for all the adventure games you see out there. The first of its kind and of course the one that makes our hearts shiver with sheer joy just by remembering it or just by merely hearing those legendary tunes of the game.

For many it has been the game that started everything for them. The game that got them into playing more games. Yes! The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is much like a monument which should be preserved, never to be changed into something else.

It is my humble opinion that a ReMake of the game would be at least an insult. We should not sacrifice it for a few bucks!

Thank you!

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