McEnroe Joins Grand Slam Tennis Line-up

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.03.2009 4

McEnroe Joins Grand Slam Tennis Line-up on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

EA has announced that tennis champion John McEnroe will join the growing roster of tennis stars in Wii's Grand Slam Tennis.

McEnroe has won 7 Grand Slams and 77 singles titles, and still plays a major role in the sport by providing tv commentary and playing in seniors tours.

It's great that EA SPORTS has embraced tennis into its family of games. I think it's a solid sign the sport is thriving and I hope it will continue to generate more interest and excitement in tennis. Having Wimbledon exclusive to this game is huge because Wimbledon is such a special tournament, for the entire sport of tennis and for me personally - John McEnroe

"You cannot be serious?"

The game will ship to retailers in the US from June 16th 2009.

Box art for Grand Slam Tennis








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Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (7 Votes)

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All thats missing is Andy Murray and this is a buy on the day purchase. IGN's hands on leads me to believe motion plus is everything I want it to be. Either its very easy to implement or EAs dev are well accomplished.

meeto_0 said:
All thats missing is Andy Murray and this is a buy on the day purchase. IGN's hands on leads me to believe motion plus is everything I want it to be. Either its very easy to implement or EAs dev are well accomplished.

I'm pretty sure Andy Murray would be included, given it's got Nadal and Federer in it Smilie Hoping they also include good ol' Tim Henman as one of the all-time greats.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yeah you would think Murray would be included. Especially considering the UK is the third largest game market. Just weird how he hasnt been announced as quickly as nadal, djoko, fed and roddick. Granted they have one thing in common that he doesnt share. Would be good to see henman again. Is there anything big coming from Nint this year?

He looks quite fun.
It may seem, that this game is built with some effort... Could become a great franchise...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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