Dead Rising Wii, Xbox 360 Comparision Video

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.02.2009 37

Dead Rising Wii, Xbox 360 Comparision Video on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

GameTrailers recently put together a comparison video between the Wii and the Xbox 360 versions of Dead Rising.

Fans have been in two camps after seeing screens/video footage from the Wii version, and to make the distinction even clearer, the differences are sat side by side for your viewing pleasure.

Do you think Capcom have done a good job in porting it over? Could the Wii outing have been done better?

Box art for Dead Rising: Chop Till you Drop








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I'm not keen on the game, but it doesn't take a genius to see it looks worse than a 6th gen game, and we're nearly 3 years into 7th gen! The differences between PS2 and GC RE4 aren't as big as you say they are either, I don't know where you got that from. Sure the PS2 version doesn't run as well, but it still looks better than THIS. And this is running on hardware that's quite a bit more powerful than the PS2! I've never seen someone say the RE4 port was half arsed, and it generally gets praise for pushing the PS2 to its limits and. When this game looks worse than an XBOX game, you know something's gone wrong. I've seen ports far better than this, and so I have a right as the consumer to complain, because I'm not just going to settle for second best, but all Wii owners have to put up with this crap, when they shouldn't have to.

I'm a little annoyed that the fact I'm not a fan of the game makes my opinion void. If anything, I am all the more likely to have an objective view on the game, free from bias, than someone who likes the look of it in the first place.

It just seems to me that if you want Capcom or the Wii to succeed, you'd show some support for them.

If I buy this game, Capcom will take that as awknowledgement that "it's fine, we don't want any better", and they'll take that money and use it to make a bigger PS3 or 360 game and leave Nintendo fans with nothing/shitty spin off/port (See above). It's a downward spiral from there on. You can't support bad workmanship. On the other hand, if a game with effort gets sales, Capcom will take notice and step it up. That's how competition works, how marketing works, how improvement works.

By the way, you were right and it is a port, but if anything that just makes the half-assery stand out even more. Why Port? It takes little effort and it makes a handful of people kinda happy. :3 Plus the game has been getting negative reception for visuals across the board, fans and critics alike. There was even a complaints thread on Capcom's official forum.

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I can't believe I'm saying this.... but, it actually looks ok... XBOX360=Kill everything you see. Wii=Think about your actions, and lol at the one zombie who is going to get run over by a lawnmower.

Touché. So it is ground-up.
But from what I understand, the game is still big. And still fun.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

SuperLink said:
I'm not keen on the game, but it doesn't take a genius to see it looks worse than a 6th gen game, and we're nearly 3 years into 7th gen! The differences between PS2 and GC RE4 aren't as big as you say they are either, I don't know where you got that from. Sure the PS2 version doesn't run as well, but it still looks better than THIS. And this is running on hardware that's quite a bit more powerful than the PS2! I've never seen someone say the RE4 port was half arsed, and it generally gets praise for pushing the PS2 to its limits and. When this game looks worse than an XBOX game, you know something's gone wrong. I've seen ports far better than this, and so I have a right as the consumer to complain, because I'm not just going to settle for second best, but all Wii owners have to put up with this crap, when they shouldn't have to.

I'm a little annoyed that the fact I'm not a fan of the game makes my opinion void. If anything, I am all the more likely to have an objective view on the game, free from bias, than someone who likes the look of it in the first place.

It just seems to me that if you want Capcom or the Wii to succeed, you'd show some support for them.

If I buy this game, Capcom will take that as awknowledgement that "it's fine, we don't want any better", and they'll take that money and use it to make a bigger PS3 or 360 game and leave Nintendo fans with nothing/shitty spin off/port (See above). It's a downward spiral from there on. You can't support bad workmanship. On the other hand, if a game with effort gets sales, Capcom will take notice and step it up. That's how competition works, how marketing works, how improvement works.

By the way, you were right and it is a port, but if anything that just makes the half-assery stand out even more. Why Port? It takes little effort and it makes a handful of people kinda happy. :3 Plus the game has been getting negative reception for visuals across the board, fans and critics alike. There was even a complaints thread on Capcom's official forum.

I know, especially considering how bad people thought RE4 was going to be for the PS2. They managed to make it decent (I've seen sites do a side-by-side comparison. The biggest differences I noticed were a bit fewer enemies and less detail... mostly in the faces. The screenshots I saw make peoples faces look like blobs. I didn't quite get that) and they were even able to add some extra stuff.
I didn't say your opinion was void. It's not at all, in fact I think it's good that we can have a discussion about this and bounce points and ideas off of each other, as opposed to, say, a review, where you get one single person's opinion and that's the end of the story. But I don't see how not liking a game makes your opinion of a port of it unbiased. What I meant was that it seems like it would be easier to blow the game off without giving it a chance.
As for the downward spiral... I also thought of that, too. It would totally suck if Capcom, or any company, decided to start churning out crap just for money. But this is assuming that they 100% factually and without any margin of error did not put effort into the game, and, like I said, that can't be proven. Look at Capcom's other ports... RE4 and Okami. They were absolutely amazing. But the difference is that those games came from previous generation consoles, and Dead Rising was made for one almost twice as powerful. I wouldn't say by a longshot that Dead Rising looks like a 6th gen game. It looks about the same as most other Wii games.

I checked out IGN's review. They said the lower enemy count is well worth it just to be allowed to actually explore and not have to adhere to a single save slot and one of the most linear gameplay experiences known to mankind.

"I can't believe I'm saying this.... but, it actually looks ok... XBOX360=Kill everything you see. Wii=Think about your actions, and lol at the one zombie who is going to get run over by a lawnmower."

-I agree. It's a new experience when there are fewer zombies. Rather than just pop into a car and mow them all down without any hassle, you actually have to use your brain, figure out what you're going to do, be calculative... that's something I think I can respect.

On a side note... if you check out IGN's video review, is that RE4 music in the background? I'm all for using the shooting engine, but lifting the soundtrack would be downright lazy, unless it's being used in a comical way (like the other RE references in that game.)

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Yeah this is a fair comparison *end sarcasm*

man.. i think people complain about dead rising A LOT.

"Sony always wins baby.. Sony always wins.." - Chad Warden on pstripple
Brawl FC : 2191 - 6919 - 2772

Okay guys. I rented the game, and have been playing it.
I have to say... this video doesn't do the game justice. In fact, I completely get the impression that they went to the most sparse areas of the game and took footage from the most sparse times available. Like when they're out in the courtyrad and there are one or two zombies... I don't know how they did that. Every time I go out there, there's a pretty hefty amount of not only zombies, but a bunch of freaking parrots and poodles. Constantly. My first trip across the courtyard, I got attacked by two or three different poodles, one annoying parrot, and I got grabbed by two different zombies. About halfway across the courtyard I picked up some type of drill, stuck through a zombie, then proceeded to carry his body, still spinning, through the crowd to make it easier. Afterward, I threw his body at the parrot, killing it. For my way back, I rode a bike across, knocking zombies down. It was fun, so rather than head back to the safe areas, I rode the bike around the courtyard a bit more.
Watching the video, there appears to be a light haze on the screen at all times. There is no such thing present in the Wii version... or maybe in order to even tell at all, you have to be playing the game side-by-side with the 360 version. I was a bit worried because the title screen did appear a bit hazy, but the game doesn't at all.
As for looking like a sixth generation game... it doesn't. At all. The game looks very good. After having played House of the Dead: Overkill all night before playing Dead Rising, I can easily compare the two. The character models in both are about equal, but the zombies in Dead Rising look a bit better and more diverse.
There are plenty of usable items. I'm still on day one, and I've run into TVs, buckets, a drill, a chainsaw, a skateboard, a bike, a bench (very affective), an umbrella, a shotgun, a blacktail, a handgun, a lead pipe... and these are just the ones I've stopped to pick up. I've passed plenty up.
Those worried about the number of zombies... they actually did a very good job with this. On my first rescue mission, I didn't eveng et halfway to the girls I was supposed to save before running out of ammo. The zombies then proceded to swiftly outnumber and beat the living hell out of me. I was dead pretty quickly. My second attempt was much more successful; I picked up a bench and plowed my way through the zombies, found one girl, plowed through more, found the other, plowed my way back to the first without realizing the second girl wasn't following me, plowed my way back to her, then lead them both back to safety. The AI wasn't terrible (one of the girls started attacking a zombie. Pressing + will make anyone following you stop what they're doing and catch up, unless they're caught by zombies.) But back to the numbers, there are many occasions where I'll defeat a group of zombies, walk a few feet away, turn around, and the area will be full again. The zombies spawn to make up for the lack of number, so it's hard to even tell the difference sometimes.
I eventually went back to the courtyard, got a lawnmower, and, to my pleasure (and the dismay of this video) mowed down many, many zombies in a row.
I honestly don't know why this video differs so vastly from the actual game. It's like they were purposefully trying to make the game look bad. In any case, I'm actually a bit impressed. After all of the discussion on here about low zombie counts and bad graphics, the final product ended up being a bit better than I had originally anticipated.
Playing through it, I can see how people are disappointed in the lack of a camera. I can imagine taking out a camera and getting some pictures now and then would be fun, and I honestly don't know why it wasn't implemented. However, the fact that I can freely roam the mall and pretty much do whatever I want before taking on more missions is great. You have to eat food to sustain yourself, but it isn't difficult to find (there's a ton in the safe room, and ni the food court; all of which respawns when you leave the room and come back to it.)
Anyway... I'm having a lot of fun with this game. Perhaps my opinion would be a little different if I had played the original; perhaps not. But the game is nowhere near as bad as a lot of people have been saying (or lead to believe) that it is.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
"This comparison is pointless... Well let's put MGS on the SNES and PS3 side by side. You barely notice the difference like REALLY." - because the Wii is TOTALLY graphically equivalent to the SNES Smilie

Faust - I agree. It could be better. I mean, get on Nintendo Channel and watch the trailer for Dead Space Extraction. It looks just as good as the Xbox game. And this is after being in development for, what, a few weeks?
But my point is that Dead Rising doesn't look so absolutely horrible that it's not worth anybody ever purchasing it. Everyone's asking "what's the point" and that's what it was: to bring a game to an audience that may not be able to experience it. If you have the Xbox verison, fine and dandy; if I had the Xbox version, I wouldn't want this one either. But I don't have it. And no, the game isn't beautiful. But it's not terrible. It's about the same as most Wii games are, graphically.
Think about what everyone is complaining about. You're on a Nintendo site, so I assume that means you care enough about their products to have signed up. So I'll assume most of you have a Wii. Now there's no way short of retardation that you didn't know the Wii isn't as powerful as the Xbox 360 when you bought one. So, in essence... you're complaining that the Wii isn't as powerful as the Xbox 360. Any port from Xbox 360 to the Wii is going to have to suffer a lot. But like I said; if you have the Xbox 360 version, then don't bother with the Wii version.
But that doesn't mean that there's absolutely no point in making the game at all, because for some people, it is worth it. Capcom *probably* could've done a little bit better. But unfortunately, they didn't. Again, it's a sacrifice that myself, and probably a lot of people in the same position, are more than willing to make. The game looks fun. It doesn't look beautiful, but it looks fun. And that's what games really should come down to.

BECAUSE the Wii is graphically equivalent to the 360 RIGHT??? Read most comments above mine, it's these little things we call sarcasm and jokes. We like that kind of thing, keeps you smiling. Smilie

Andrezao said:
justonesp00lturn said:
"This comparison is pointless... Well let's put MGS on the SNES and PS3 side by side. You barely notice the difference like REALLY." - because the Wii is TOTALLY graphically equivalent to the SNES Smilie

Faust - I agree. It could be better. I mean, get on Nintendo Channel and watch the trailer for Dead Space Extraction. It looks just as good as the Xbox game. And this is after being in development for, what, a few weeks?
But my point is that Dead Rising doesn't look so absolutely horrible that it's not worth anybody ever purchasing it. Everyone's asking "what's the point" and that's what it was: to bring a game to an audience that may not be able to experience it. If you have the Xbox verison, fine and dandy; if I had the Xbox version, I wouldn't want this one either. But I don't have it. And no, the game isn't beautiful. But it's not terrible. It's about the same as most Wii games are, graphically.
Think about what everyone is complaining about. You're on a Nintendo site, so I assume that means you care enough about their products to have signed up. So I'll assume most of you have a Wii. Now there's no way short of retardation that you didn't know the Wii isn't as powerful as the Xbox 360 when you bought one. So, in essence... you're complaining that the Wii isn't as powerful as the Xbox 360. Any port from Xbox 360 to the Wii is going to have to suffer a lot. But like I said; if you have the Xbox 360 version, then don't bother with the Wii version.
But that doesn't mean that there's absolutely no point in making the game at all, because for some people, it is worth it. Capcom *probably* could've done a little bit better. But unfortunately, they didn't. Again, it's a sacrifice that myself, and probably a lot of people in the same position, are more than willing to make. The game looks fun. It doesn't look beautiful, but it looks fun. And that's what games really should come down to.

BECAUSE the Wii is graphically equivalent to the 360 RIGHT??? Read most comments above mine, it's these little things we call sarcasm and jokes. We like that kind of thing, keeps you smiling. Smilie

I didn't say it was. But I also didn't say that it was equivalent to comparing MG for the PS3 and the SNES, as you did. I know the Wii isn't equivalent to the Xbox 360. But it's a hell of a lot closer to the 360 than it is to the SNES.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
Andrezao said:
justonesp00lturn said:
"This comparison is pointless... Well let's put MGS on the SNES and PS3 side by side. You barely notice the difference like REALLY." - because the Wii is TOTALLY graphically equivalent to the SNES Smilie

Faust - I agree. It could be better. I mean, get on Nintendo Channel and watch the trailer for Dead Space Extraction. It looks just as good as the Xbox game. And this is after being in development for, what, a few weeks?
But my point is that Dead Rising doesn't look so absolutely horrible that it's not worth anybody ever purchasing it. Everyone's asking "what's the point" and that's what it was: to bring a game to an audience that may not be able to experience it. If you have the Xbox verison, fine and dandy; if I had the Xbox version, I wouldn't want this one either. But I don't have it. And no, the game isn't beautiful. But it's not terrible. It's about the same as most Wii games are, graphically.
Think about what everyone is complaining about. You're on a Nintendo site, so I assume that means you care enough about their products to have signed up. So I'll assume most of you have a Wii. Now there's no way short of retardation that you didn't know the Wii isn't as powerful as the Xbox 360 when you bought one. So, in essence... you're complaining that the Wii isn't as powerful as the Xbox 360. Any port from Xbox 360 to the Wii is going to have to suffer a lot. But like I said; if you have the Xbox 360 version, then don't bother with the Wii version.
But that doesn't mean that there's absolutely no point in making the game at all, because for some people, it is worth it. Capcom *probably* could've done a little bit better. But unfortunately, they didn't. Again, it's a sacrifice that myself, and probably a lot of people in the same position, are more than willing to make. The game looks fun. It doesn't look beautiful, but it looks fun. And that's what games really should come down to.

BECAUSE the Wii is graphically equivalent to the 360 RIGHT??? Read most comments above mine, it's these little things we call sarcasm and jokes. We like that kind of thing, keeps you smiling. Smilie

I didn't say it was. But I also didn't say that it was equivalent to comparing MG for the PS3 and the SNES, as you did. I know the Wii isn't equivalent to the Xbox 360. But it's a hell of a lot closer to the 360 than it is to the SNES.

Mmm my SNES hasn't had a RROD yet LOLZ! nah jokes, it's cool man, just chillax we're all just enjoying ourselves, we don't intend to kill anyone to then eat them and give the remaining to the dogs (though it sounds tempting...)
But yeah man, relax don't stress we're upset about this game being this bad looking because we know the Wii is capable of more, that's why we stand up against it. It's our point of view, you can respect it righty??? Smilie All this is just us saying: "capcom get your lazy arses out of RE5 and give us some awesome games on the Wii plzktnxbai.

PS:I've been watching trailers and ingame stuff on RE5.. gah soooo disappointed... it feels like a war kind of game, what happened to the creepyness??? WHERE IS MY FRUSTRATING LEVELS??? I'll forgive you capcom if you make 6 MUCH better than this. Mmmk?

Andrezao said:
justonesp00lturn said:
Andrezao said:
justonesp00lturn said:
"This comparison is pointless... Well let's put MGS on the SNES and PS3 side by side. You barely notice the difference like REALLY." - because the Wii is TOTALLY graphically equivalent to the SNES Smilie

Faust - I agree. It could be better. I mean, get on Nintendo Channel and watch the trailer for Dead Space Extraction. It looks just as good as the Xbox game. And this is after being in development for, what, a few weeks?
But my point is that Dead Rising doesn't look so absolutely horrible that it's not worth anybody ever purchasing it. Everyone's asking "what's the point" and that's what it was: to bring a game to an audience that may not be able to experience it. If you have the Xbox verison, fine and dandy; if I had the Xbox version, I wouldn't want this one either. But I don't have it. And no, the game isn't beautiful. But it's not terrible. It's about the same as most Wii games are, graphically.
Think about what everyone is complaining about. You're on a Nintendo site, so I assume that means you care enough about their products to have signed up. So I'll assume most of you have a Wii. Now there's no way short of retardation that you didn't know the Wii isn't as powerful as the Xbox 360 when you bought one. So, in essence... you're complaining that the Wii isn't as powerful as the Xbox 360. Any port from Xbox 360 to the Wii is going to have to suffer a lot. But like I said; if you have the Xbox 360 version, then don't bother with the Wii version.
But that doesn't mean that there's absolutely no point in making the game at all, because for some people, it is worth it. Capcom *probably* could've done a little bit better. But unfortunately, they didn't. Again, it's a sacrifice that myself, and probably a lot of people in the same position, are more than willing to make. The game looks fun. It doesn't look beautiful, but it looks fun. And that's what games really should come down to.

BECAUSE the Wii is graphically equivalent to the 360 RIGHT??? Read most comments above mine, it's these little things we call sarcasm and jokes. We like that kind of thing, keeps you smiling. Smilie

I didn't say it was. But I also didn't say that it was equivalent to comparing MG for the PS3 and the SNES, as you did. I know the Wii isn't equivalent to the Xbox 360. But it's a hell of a lot closer to the 360 than it is to the SNES.

Mmm my SNES hasn't had a RROD yet LOLZ! nah jokes, it's cool man, just chillax we're all just enjoying ourselves, we don't intend to kill anyone to then eat them and give the remaining to the dogs (though it sounds tempting...)
But yeah man, relax don't stress we're upset about this game being this bad looking because we know the Wii is capable of more, that's why we stand up against it. It's our point of view, you can respect it righty??? Smilie All this is just us saying: "capcom get your lazy arses out of RE5 and give us some awesome games on the Wii plzktnxbai.

PS:I've been watching trailers and ingame stuff on RE5.. gah soooo disappointed... it feels like a war kind of game, what happened to the creepyness??? WHERE IS MY FRUSTRATING LEVELS??? I'll forgive you capcom if you make 6 MUCH better than this. Mmmk?

My bad; I overlooked the part where you said you were joking. Sorry.
In any case, I think Dead Rising is worth renting, at least. It's one of those games where the screenshots and videos just aren't doing it justice. There's a whole depth of detial that we aren't getting from that stuff, like zombies with missing eyeballs where you can see a whole for their socket, there's a lot of fine details like Frank's moles and, unfortunately, Robin Williams-esque hairy chest (if you happen to be wearing a tanktop or a dress) and you can see every pore on Brad's face, and every individual bit of stubble from his shaved head. And the cinemas (which are definitely not in-game) look very, very good.

As for RE5, have you played the demo? I didn't get the war game impression from it, at all. It plays a lot like RE4, but with a lot less opportunity to find a clear spot and take a breather. The first time I played, my friend and I had to do each of the two demo levels four or five times each just to figure out the trick to beating it. The first level is absolutely crazy. And it is very scary... imagine standing in the house, plinking away at baddies coming in from all sides, then suddenly the wall breaks down and the guy with an axe the size of Manhattan comes to take you down. You run outside to escape, and are immediately and constantly surrounded on all sides. And that's the first level of the game.
I'm sure there's a wealth of content we haven't even been shown yet. Looking at the promo stuff from RE4 in the village, would any of us have even dreamed about the island levels, or the Regenerators? You never know where these games will take you. Don't give up hope just yet Smilie

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

good job indeed. but there is a noticeable difference. the number of zombies that come at you. the Wii can only do soo much.

i will always have a gripe with capcom. i wanna see capcom come up with a solid fighting game on Wii. (cough Street Fighter IV???) (praying) lol

-make it count- Hey if you wanna play Wii Games with me, check out my game portion of my profile and pm me if you wanna add me so I can add you!

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