Steve Papoutsis, Executive Producer of Dead Space Extraction, has answered a few questions on the game's mechanics.
In an interview with MTV Multiplayer, Papoutsis says Extraction is a "Guided First Person Experience" with choices in which paths are explored, instead of a purely linear design. The game's being developed ground-up with the Wii remote/nunchuck in mind, keeping similar ideas and mechanics from the original - including Stasis and Telekinesis - and adding all new ones with motion control in mind.
There'll also be multiplayer support - including instant co-op, jumping in during solo play if an additional player wants to join the experience without having to start over - there's also variations in strategy, using combinations in control to work together - e.g. one focusing on Dismemberment while the other is using Stasis to slow down enemies. EA hopes to make sure the second player is as involved, instead of being a tagged on option.