Dead Space Wii, Multiplayer Details

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.02.2009 4

Dead Space Wii, Multiplayer Details on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Steve Papoutsis, Executive Producer of Dead Space Extraction, has answered a few questions on the game's mechanics.

In an interview with MTV Multiplayer, Papoutsis says Extraction is a "Guided First Person Experience" with choices in which paths are explored, instead of a purely linear design. The game's being developed ground-up with the Wii remote/nunchuck in mind, keeping similar ideas and mechanics from the original - including Stasis and Telekinesis - and adding all new ones with motion control in mind.

There'll also be multiplayer support - including instant co-op, jumping in during solo play if an additional player wants to join the experience without having to start over - there's also variations in strategy, using combinations in control to work together - e.g. one focusing on Dismemberment while the other is using Stasis to slow down enemies. EA hopes to make sure the second player is as involved, instead of being a tagged on option.

Box art for Dead Space: Extraction








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Extraction is a "Guided First Person Experience"

Isn't this like Iga saying Castlevania Judgment was a 3-D Versus Action game??? (For the record, I actually own and like Judgment, but it is a good comparison.)

Seriously, I like the on-rail shooters out for the Wii, just don't give us relabeling of a genre or double-talk. RE: Umbrella Chronicles let you make choices about paths and such, but Capcom still called it an on-rails game.

Lol yeah, tis still an on-rails title, though there aint nothing wrong with that! Sounds promising; I like the idea of an arcade style multiplayer, one to keep an eye on methinks!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It'll ruin it to have 2 players though.. Smilie

Like RE4, hours of fun me and a friend had taking turns in a dark room hunched over my old 16 inch screen taking turns, takes away from the experience if theres 2 of you. but meh, each to their own!

Aki-T spilt the water.

Wait a sec... Guided First Person experience? Does this mean Exctraction will be a rail shooter?
I'll probably still get it, but my excitement for this just went way down. Rail shooters and survival horror don't mix... where's the survival if you aren't even controlling how you move? It's just about knowing where and when to shoot and use health.
I don't have an issue with the multiplayer. It worked out okay for UC (though the fact that both players have to dodge perfectly or it counts for neither of them is stupid.)

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