News | Free Radical publisher change.

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.09.2003 1

Free Radical publisher change.
Activition seems likely.

The developers of the renowned Timesplitters series, Free Radical, recently broke off links with their now previous publisher, Eidos.

A strong contender for the new position of publisher to sell all new titles from the company is Activision - renowned for their comic book based titles. However, the company can also purchase stock within Free Radical, a slice as it were.

The development studio has already signed a deal with Activision for the upcoming Second Sight game and apparently, more games are expected for next generation consoles. Perhaps one of the deciding factors as to why the studio broke ties with Eidos could be due to the publisher's recent change in policies for selling Nintendo GameCube titles.

According to media magazine, MCVUK, an official announcement as to where and who Free Radical shall commit to as a publisher will be made next month, due to the developers researching into different publishers.

"All I can say at the moment is that we are reviewing a number of opportunities and have yet to make a decision."
Steve Ellis, Free Radical

Activision noted that the publisher is 100% dedicated to the relationship with upcoming developer, Free Radical. It seems that the announcement in which Eidos dismissed the developer of their inspiring franchise, Timeplitters, has left opportunities for various publishers - including Nintendo. However, it seems that the selected publisher would only be one that provides games on a mutliformat nature for Free Radical always wanted their titles to appear on all next generation consoles - perhaps the reason for the change in publisher.

Cubed3 shall have more information as it breaks.

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