Indy Whips up New Wii Screenshots

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.02.2009 8

Indy Whips up New Wii Screenshots on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

LucasArts have rolled out new screens of the whip-cranking archaeologist in action on Nintendo's Wii.

The game centers around Indy's search for a former professor of his, Charles Kingston, as we follow the adventurer's journey through impenetrable forests, gaping huge mountains and a trip into town for a spot of tea.

Image for Indy Whips up New Wii Screenshots

Image for Indy Whips up New Wii Screenshots

Image for Indy Whips up New Wii Screenshots

Indy leaps into stores sometime in Spring 2009. More shots can be found in the game's album below.

Box art for Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings

Artificial Mind and Movement







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I hope I got the wrong version here, but it's just looking a little lifeless - the graphic quality looks so-so, but taking that aside, it's a looking a little empty.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I agree JB, they just tossed in some bloom lightning, a bit of haze to make up for the lack of detail... dunno could've been better.

Might be a half-way decent adventure, but I'm with you two on the visuals... Certainly could have more pizaz.

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

Yeah. Textures look okay for a Wii game, not bad at all, but overall a bit awkward.
Indy's looking like he was squashed flat between a contraption, maybe he lost against Giant Marble.
But graphics no less then other Wii games - which is a big insult when thinking about it.

Besides: There's not screenshot album for this game, jb. Did you forget something?

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Looks better then the first screens they released anyway. (not the CG trailer) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
Looks better then the first screens they released anyway. (not the CG trailer)

Yeah, I saw some screens on IGN, and they looked worse than this, although thinking about it, they were probably the PSP screenshots.
But still the game could do with a bit more life in it by the looks of things

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The dude looks dead...
Certainly a game I'm not going to get Smilie

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Being that we just heard about this game like 3 weeks ago, I'm not surprised by the look being still being developed.

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