Dead Space Wii Remote on PC

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.02.2009 4

Dead Space Wii Remote on PC on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Dead Space is already compatible with Nintendo's Wii Remote in a script available for the PC version.

EA recently announced that Wii will launch into Dead Space with an entry into the franchise that'll presumably come equipped with Wii Remote support.

Those wanting a taster of what it could be like to play the game with the remote can grab a script to map Wii Remote controls on the PC, released back in November 2008.

Thanks to C3 reader Linkyshinks for the tip.

Box art for Dead Space: Extraction








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For everybody that's going to try to make it work: the script is void unless you have a bluetooth controller interface mapped in your system.

I develop some proof of concept wii interfacing on my mac with a plugin, you'll need a similar bluetooth interface and the plugin in order to get things to work. Not for the average computer user.

A lot of fun though Smilie

GlovePIE rocks, I use it a lot already.

I intialy played with it to try out Jonhney-frecking-genius-Lee's headtracking ,but after that used it for all sorts of things.

WiiMote to controll WinAmp is a simple, but usefull one,for instance.

Bluetooth adapters only cost USB 5GBP or so anyway. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Just some heads up on the video/ script (Thats my video/script) The script is really a lot of copying and pasting and testing. I got most of it from the glovepie scripts and combined them.

You will need a bluetooth adapter, you will need something like blue soleil bluetooth stack. Youll need your light bar wii thing.

Hopefully people enjoy the script. I believe that was the final one I worked on. Not sure though. I literally saw it worked made the video and then was like meh I'm done.

Anyways someone should make a better video. My camera work obviously stinks!

Good luck!

acsguitar said:
Just some heads up on the video/ script (Thats my video/script) The script is really a lot of copying and pasting and testing. I got most of it from the glovepie scripts and combined them.

You will need a bluetooth adapter, you will need something like blue soleil bluetooth stack. Youll need your light bar wii thing.

Hopefully people enjoy the script. I believe that was the final one I worked on. Not sure though. I literally saw it worked made the video and then was like meh I'm done.

Cheers for the script, tis good! Great to see people bringing Wii control over to the PC.

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