Crytek Saves Free Radical, Confirmed

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.02.2009 6

Crytek Saves Free Radical, Confirmed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Yesterday reports had suggested Crytek had purchased Free Radical Design, and now it's become official with jobs saved.

GamesIndustry reports that administrator ReSolve has the sale to Crytek was completed last night, preserving over 40 jobs. Crytek will be a familiar name to first person shooter fans, with the German studio producing the highly regarded CryEngine and starting off the award winning Crysis franchise.

Free Radical staff member Rob Yescombe spoke to 1up yesterday, confirming the sale but was unsure what would happen to existing franchises like TimeSplitters.

Thanks to C3 readers Linkyshinks and Marzy for the tip.

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Well, I gotta say, it's great to see FR has been saved (if you can call it that) by such a quality company like Crytek. lol That's a bit of relief. I hate to see them lose their identity, though. *sigh* Smilie I need confirmation.

Now, I'd like to know what's happening with TS4 and, quite possibly more important, will LA resurrect BFIII development with them at the helm? If Rebellion truly did take over, I'm 'gonna have a fit.:-x

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Good to know, and by Crytek of all people - great to hear they're still alive.

Hope TS4 is still alive, wouldn't make sense to not produce it, or at least hand it over to Crytek's main studio.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Isn't Crytek mainly PC though?

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

Good news, that means that those 40 jobs wont be lost and they can create new jobs with a brand new development team. I do hope that TS4 is still in the works.

I didn't think Crytek were that rich though.

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Zephyr said:
Isn't Crytek mainly PC though?

Not anymore, they confirmed some time ago they cannot produce for PC exclusively.

LOL. I would laugh if they produced TS4 or BF3 on the Cryengine. they would look amazing. Though it would be a bit demanding of systems (unless its like warhead)

It's nice to see that they have been saved, means more decenet titles from them in the future

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