Next Metal Gear Game Confirmed for iPhone

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.12.2008 27

Next Metal Gear Game Confirmed for iPhone on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Konami have revealed the forthcoming Metal Gear - as a downloadable game for Apple's iPhone/iPod Touch.

After weeks of speculation into Konami's Metal Gear teaser website - was it a Wii game, an X360 port? - the company has finally unraveled the next entry into the series... for Apple's touch devices. Confirmed on the official website, the game will be known as Metal Gear Touch, accompanied by download versions of Dance Dance Revolution, Frogger and Silent Hill.

  • English press release
  • Unfortunately those wanting the aforementioned teaser to be Wii, DS or Xbox 360 related may have to wait for some time.

    Thanks to NeoGAF.

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    dont look to bad but im not get it

    I'll probably get it.

    The fact that the thing is always in your pocket and not some extra baggage means it's easier to play games on it - it's just a matter of availability.

    I'm still playing hero of sparta for iphone, very good hack n slasher Smilie

    It's basically gonna be the flash game on the MGS4 website but just changed around. You can't move characters, all you do is shoot and reload.

    Haha, I knewww it.

    Since the Iphone costs more then 3 DS combined (not included any phoning subscription), I don't see any reason to buy one.
    I wonder how much money Apple gave to Konami. I also wonder if Nintendo should give some money-bags to some publishers to port over key franchises...

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    I think you're all missing the real news here.


    Smells. At least the emphasis on phone gaming will boost a bit. I still want KH: coded and FFVI-2

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    What an anti-climax.

    Kojima himself said you will see something about the teaser in a few weeks, either Konami got bored and said fuck it, let them have it or there's another teaser we haven't heard about?

    Irfy said:
    Kojima himself said you will see something about the teaser in a few weeks, either Konami got bored and said fuck it, let them have it or there's another teaser we haven't heard about?

    I'm hoping that there'll be another teaser; but for the moment it's looking like it's only related to the iPhone announcement.

    I don't think it's a bad move; and apple would be a good mobile platform to to support given it's chunk of the phone/mp3 industry. Would have at least liked to have seen a DS version though..

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    This just smells of such an anti-climax Smilie

    insert bad word ______ !

    originaljohn said:
    insert bad word ______ !


    Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

    I was looking forward to a DS or Wii Metal Gear so so much. Oh well. I'll just have to wait until Konami take Nintendo seriously again.

    May you be in heaven for half an hour before the devil knows you are dead.

    iCAME said:
    What an anti-climax.

    O_o Wtf Konami... This totally swept the ground from my feet.. All that for an iPhone game?? REALLY??? I have an iPhone but arg buying games for it, never. I bought it cause I love the tech involved and needed a Phone and Mp3 player.

    That was stupid.

    Was expecting something better but oh well.

    Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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    Konami Rick Rolled the internet.

    Epic Kojima Anti-climax Roll?

    ( Edited 17.12.2008 18:51 by Faust D. Stroyer )

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~


    Super Duper Ultra Fun Time!

    no comment

    ( Edited 17.12.2008 20:30 by MiiWiiKing )

    It's a port of a flash game aswell, not even an iPhone acid game.
    A next metal gear is a waste of money.

    ^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

    awww i wanted another ac!d game, but i kinda guess it would be iphone

    Hi said:

    Are you an alien or something?

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    "IPOD? Is that some sort of spaceship?" - EarlHicky <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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