Capcom: Street Fighter IV Possible

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.11.2008 13

Capcom: Street Fighter IV Possible on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom's Christian Svensson recently discussed the possibility for Bionic Commando and Street Fighter on the Wii.

The VP answered a fair few questions on bringing over some of the reputable developer's IPs to the Wii, including Street Fighter.

First up, Bionic Commando: Rearmed for WiiWare wouldn't work due to filesize restraints, so would have to be disc based with everything redone for Wii. "It would not be an inexpensive process and I'm not sure the result would be completely satisfactory. I think you underestimate how technically advanced BCR is. It's built on the same engine as the big BC is." Included in the filesize issue is the upgraded version of Street Fighter - HD Remix, and although possible as a disc release, the company feel it isn't the right content for the retail channel - favouring digital releases for these types of games. "[With] Wiiware, we're finding, only works for titles built from the ground up for Wiiware as the lead SKU given the filesize restrictions."

Bad news aside, it looks like there is hope for fans wanting Street Fighter IV on the Wii - "In theory, with reasonable downgrades in visual quality including resolution reduction, yes [game could be possible on Wii]. I will still raise the question: what's the input mechanism for a Wiimote + nunchuck (which is what 100% of the installed base has) on a Street Fighter title?"

So, pen and paper at the ready - be sure to share your thoughts and demands for the game on Wii with Capcom in the official boards.

Thanks to Nintendo Everything.

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well what take them so long lol

Of course it's possible. In the same way that Max Payne was possible on the GBA. The downgrades wouldn't be as heavy as that game, but there'd still be some major downgrades. Plus the controls would be an absolute joke.

No due to SFIV's visual style, SF4 done on Wii can still look good. Its not a fair analogy at all.

Martin_ said:
Of course it's possible. In the same way that Max Payne was possible on the GBA. The downgrades wouldn't be as heavy as that game, but there'd still be some major downgrades. Plus the controls would be an absolute joke.

That's what the GCN and classic controllers are for.

iCAME said:
No due to SFIV's visual style, SF4 done on Wii can still look good. Its not a fair analogy at all.

You do realise that a style like SF:IV is very complicated?

I was going to buy SF IV for my 360, but if it does come out for Wii, then I'll just get the Wii version, due to the Classic controller having a good Dpad. Street Fighter + analogue sticks = bad.

Hope it has online IF it does come.

If Midway can do a decent job with Wii Controls in a fighting game (Mortal Kombat Armageddon), I'm sure it's not beyond Capcom's ability to do the same.

Plus there's always Classic and GC for backup, so lets see SFIV on Wii guys. Smilie

just played the demo of SF HD remix on xbox and it looks great. Its over 300mb big though, no ways can it be distributed by Wiiware. Its times like these that remind me how retarded Nintendo are. If they're gonna have downloadable software at least provide more than 512mb of storage.

That game would have to be played on the classic controller only, at least for me any way. The GC D pad is too crap for it and I find it difficult to play SF with an analogue stick, I guess it cant be worse than a 360 controller, SF is not fun on one of those.

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

JustJoe said:
That's what the GCN and classic controllers are for.

I can see why you would say that, but if you've ever been into Street Fighter, you'll know that it's a six button fighter, and that the GC controller was terrible for it. So terrible in fact, that Capcom included a simplified (and really rubbish) control scheme into Capcom Vs SNK 2 EO (the 'EO' standing for 'Easy operation'), which rendered the game utterly pointless to play.

So you see, the GC pad would not avail you for SFIV in the slightest.

Martin_ said:
JustJoe said:
That's what the GCN and classic controllers are for.

I can see why you would say that, but if you've ever been into Street Fighter, you'll know that it's a six button fighter, and that the GC controller was terrible for it. So terrible in fact, that Capcom included a simplified (and really rubbish) control scheme into Capcom Vs SNK 2 EO (the 'EO' standing for 'Easy operation'), which rendered the game utterly pointless to play.

So you see, the GC pad would not avail you for SFIV in the slightest.

Of course because you speak for everyone who's played Street Fighter.

I think it should just be on the 360 and PS3, because the Wii graphics might not be that great. But maybe it will and if it does then lets hope it has Wi-Fi

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JustJoe said:
Of course because you speak for everyone who's played Street Fighter.

As far as I'm aware, the only other person on the site who's a hardcore fighting game fan (or even traditional 2D fighting game fan) is Linkyshinks.. who goes out of his way to procure proper arcade sticks for these games. He even turns his nose up at capable 6-button game pads. I'm telling you- the Wii has no controller which can do Street Fighter justice. None. Maybe that can change, but until it does, Street Fighter will be shit on Wii, as it is shit on GC.

Just because the Wii Remote lacks enough buttons doesn\'t mean the developers can\'t work around it.

Street Fighter and many other fighting games use a High/Mid/Low Punch and Kick system right? Wii Remote held horizontally, just tilt/move it upwards, put it in a neutral position or lower it to do each Move in their respective position, whilst only needing one button for punch or kick respectively. That frees up the D-Pad for the obvious stuff, and a choice of A or B to block. Simple, effective, and retains that classic feel. Smilie
Of course, adding a Nunchuk if you wanted analog control would be a piece of cake.

If a brainless clod like moi can see a workaround, Capcom should. Smilie

( Edited 30.11.2008 20:30 by Phoenixus )

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