Secret Nintendo Game from Monster

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.11.2008 14

Secret Nintendo Game from Monster on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Monster Games, of Excite Truck fame, have been working on a top-secret Nintendo game for the last two years.

The Minnesota-based Monster Games produced Excite Truck for the Wii back in 2006, and according to a blog post on one of the game designers at Monster, the team are working on a highly-confidential game for Nintendo.

Right now, the 20 employees at Monster Games are working on a top-secret video game for Nintendo. They've worked on it for two years and are nearly finished. The process is so private the designers must darken their monitors when the bottled-water deliveryman enters the office.

With a lot keeping the project under wraps, it's likely to be a well-known Nintendo franchise. Their experience in producing racing titles and handling the Wii exceptionally well in Excite Truck suggests F-Zero, or a sequel to Excite Truck perhaps.

Thanks to NeoGAF.

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Those bottled-water delivery men do tend to talk.

( Edited 29.11.2008 02:42 by Mario_0 )

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Working on an Excite Truck sequel for 2 years? I doubt it.

It's got to be a bigger game, more along the lines of F-Zero or Star Fox. Hopefully anyway.

I want some F-Zero fun on the wii.

Hmm I'm thinking its F-Zero, since they made Excite Truck and they're both racers.

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

ohhhh 2 years hmmm and it not got out yet XD come on show it

why is it so secret

2-3 years is normal.
I'm happy not to know about games till 6 months before release. Knowing too far in advance only leads to disapointment in the long run.

I'm also sceptical of an ExcitaTruck sequal, as 2+ years would indeed be heavy investment for a sequal of that sort of game.
(Unlike Mario and Zelda, where sequals are effectively new games)

Hopefully its something new. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Excite Truck desperately needs WiFi and 4Player local. I definitely like the sound of a sequel.

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SuperLink said:
Excite Truck desperately needs WiFi and 4Player local. I definitely like the sound of a sequel.
Too right, buddy. That was my main (if not only) complaint with Excite Truck. No NWFC and WC24 support. Even 8 player WLAN and 4 player split screen support would've been awesome. Still, the game absolutely rocked. Smilie

I'm curious as to what Monster have been working on for the past two years that's requiring such secrecy. I honestly doubt it'd be over an Excite Truck sequel. Maybe an Excitebike sequel? Or would Ninty tap Left Field's talent again for that? Well just have to wait and see. lol

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Yeah, I doubt they'd be so secretive about an Excitetruck sequel. It has to be something of higher profile than that. F-Zero makes sense. Hopefully they do it right with a solid online mode.

F Zero shouldn't be touched by anything other than the team that made GX. I fear its quality otherwise.

knighty said:
F Zero shouldn't be touched by anything other than the team that made GX. I fear its quality otherwise.

Same here. I read somewhere that Nintendo didn't like it?!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

F-Zero plz be F-ZeroSmilie

jb said:
knighty said:
F Zero shouldn't be touched by anything other than the team that made GX. I fear its quality otherwise.

Same here. I read somewhere that Nintendo didn't like it?!

Miyamoto thought it was crap...

Smilienice... I actually like Excite Truck more than MK Wii in the one player aspect of things. I hope they're working on a Wi-fi enabled sequel, but if they aren't I'm sure whatever it is it'll be quality.

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