Wii / DS Dev Budcat Creations Joins Activision

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.11.2008

Wii / DS Dev Budcat Creations Joins Activision on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Activision has confirmed that Budcat Creations is now a wholly-owned subsidiary.

According to Games Industry the Wii and DS studio has signed multi-year employment contracts with the publisher as a "perfect fit for both companies" says Budcat's General Manager Jeremy Andersen.

Their world class sales and marketing support coupled with best-in-class execution across all areas of their business means that we can focus our time and resources on what we love and do best - creating great games.

It's not the first contact between both parties as Budcat had previously been involved in Activision's Guitar Hero properties including Legends of Rock and Aerosmith.

Budcat Creations is an outstanding developer with an experienced management team and a very talented group of programmers, designers and artists.

In addition to strengthening our development capabilities on the Nintendo platforms, this acquisition increases our Guitar Hero development resources as we continue to grow the franchise and expand our global leadership position in the music-based genre.

Mike Griffith, president and CEO of Activision.

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