Ubisoft Unleash Raving Rabbids into New Trailers

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.11.2008 6

Ubisoft Unleash Raving Rabbids into New Trailers on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's a TV Party for those excitable rabbids, and Ubisoft have created a heap of new trailers.

This time the pesky little creatures decide to take control of poor Rayman's TV network and as such sees the limbless chap having to play through different mini-games or "shows" for each day of the week. Up to 8 players (taking it in turns) can enjoy the multiplayer madness this time round, as well as shaking bum using the Wii balance board for a fair few games.

You can look forward to playing with Rabbids again this year from November 18th, 2008.

Box art for Rayman Raving Rabbids: TV Party








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A spot of over acting in those videos, as well as a bloke wearing shoes on the Wii Fit board - doesn't he know Nintendo send around Ninja's to kill those not barefoot on it?

Has this got anything at all to do with Rayman anymore?

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Ubisoft will you just please go away?
thank you.

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Urgh, it looks a little OTT. First one was decent and fun, but this looks a little too much!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Poor Rayman. I miss that guy. I wonder when we'll ever see him properly doing what he did best again?

Yes... They at least try to do Wii Fitz with a decent crude humour, but they go into the 'all is great and family' too much on these trailers.
Thankfully Monsieur Ancel created the rabbids with such crude humour, that they aren't easily turned into family-silliness.

I think the game itself is great when you just look at the game and not the cheesy family doing ...stuff. These trailers where already there when the first RRR was released. But the rabbids were the important thing. Don't mess up, Ubisoft.
But the early trailers for this Raving Rabbids game were great. Remember the Rabbid who swallowed the balance board? That was good trailerism. This is not.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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