PETA Saves Chimp from Samba de Amigo

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.11.2008 1

PETA Saves Chimp from Samba de Amigo on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Animal rights group PETA recently helped chimpanzee actors with one featured in a Samba de Amigo ad.

The commercial saw an adorable chimp shaking a pair of maracas in tune to the forthcoming sequel to the cult rhythm game, Samba de Amigo. However once PETA found out that a real chimp was being used, it explained to SEGA some of the awful treatment that the animals go through when forced into the acting world.

SEGA is receiving a thank-you gift from PETA today as a token of appreciation for their compassionate decision regarding to keep live great apes out of all future ads. PETA contacted SEGA once we discovered they were using a real chimpanzee in a commercial promoting the new Samba De Amigo game. Once we informed SEGA of the horrible things chimpanzee "actors" go through (such as being ripped from their mothers when just days old, being forced to perform demeaning tricks, shocked with electric collars, beaten, and deprived of food), they immediately made the kind decision to pull the video from their site and promised to keep all great apes out of future ads.

Thanks to GoNintendo.

Box art for Samba de Amigo








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poor chimps. Also, that chimp was obviously real. Our tech isn't strong enough to make a fake chimp look that real.

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